
Do you think it is a patriotic duty to vote?

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Do you think it is a patriotic duty to vote?




  1. yes I do, I remember protesting to change the vote from 21 to 18....everyone should vote

  2. Nope , I think it is a waste of time!!

    Both parties to me look like the same thing with only very slight differences , so voting for either one is a waste to me

  3. No, I think it is the result of non-thinking sheep who are afraid to ask the real questions of why every four years brings us more fantastic lies than the last four years. Why are there only two parties? Every four years one or the other is selected. 2000 and 2004 selections should be enough to put to rest any lingering doubts as to the efficacy of whether or not the vote matters.  I think it is just as valid to NOT participate in an obvious scam designed to mollify the unwashed, uneducated masses. Why should we be asked to play a game where the only winners are corporate whores? We are  supposed to decide between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dummer? Throw the entire game into the fire and start over! But I suppose that is too much to ask....

  4. yes i do.

  5. Yes it is

  6. I have been voting since 1960 and have not missed a general, primary or special election in all those years. I don't considered it to be a patriotic duty. I consider it to be a prime civic responsibility.

  7. i think it is a privilege-women only got the right to vote around 1920

  8. It is something you should do, but not a duty to do so.  If you are happy with the status quo, just sit home and enjoy.  If you are always complaining about something, then you should go out and vote to make some changes.

  9. Yes. It is also your patriotic duty to defend your country from dishonest politicians, from polution, and from global warming.

    Evidently, there are a lot of unpatriotic people in the world.

  10. it is. it should also be a patriotic duty to kick out all of the unpatriotic b******s...if I remember right we already have one running for president. anyways no one should be able to vote if they're not patriotic because if they're unloyal and don't care about the country then they don't care about the well being of it but only for the well-being of themselves, which is another thing that's wrong with America we have all the "I hate America" people in our country too.

  11. yes

  12. It is a choice in a free country, not a duty. By voting however you are supporting democracy.

    A non-vote can be thought of as a vote for the individual you do not want to win.

  13. I think it is incredibly irresponsible to vote without a clear understanding of the issues, and the position of a candidate on those issues.

    This election could likely be decided by that very ignorance

  14. Voting is the most patriotic you can do.

  15. Yes it is!

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