
Do you think it is a sexual abuse or not?

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This is not my stroy. I saw it on the internet.

he and she are lovers over 1 year.

and they went to his house,

and they kissed

and he started touching her breast.

she was so surprised and embarrassed.

(because it reminded her of a sexual abuse she went through when she was young)

so she slapped his cheek and left his house.


1. they are lovers over 1 year

2. she went to his house voluntarily.

3. but she didn't permit him to touch her breast.

4. so she slapped his cheek

do you think it is a sexual abuse or not ?

and in a law, can it be a sexual abuse? 






  1. NO.

  2. i don't think thats sexual abuse, because he stopped

    answer my question please;...

  3. I'd think so, but i wouldnt take it to the law, because its not like he raped her. but still its serious if she didnt want to be touched. id think it would be up to the girl really.

  4. First of all, they weren't "lovers".  They were dating, or they were boyfriend/girlfriend.  "Lovers" implies the existence of a sexual relationship.

    Second, just because she went to his house does NOT mean she was agreeing to any type of sexual activity.  

    Third, if they've been dating for a year, he should have already known her stance on their being sexually intimate and he should have respected that.  

    Fourth, SHE needs to understand that if she's going to go with a man to his house, where they are alone, and then start making out with him, it is NORMAL and understandable for him to assume that she is consenting to further sexual contact.  If she doesn't desire s*x, it's her responsibility to keep herself out of situations where her consent is implied.

    Bottom line:  No, a man touching his girlfriend's breast isn't sexual abuse.  But this guy isn't dating an emotionally-healthy woman.  She has already been sexually abused in her past by someone she loved and trusted, and she is very obviously still in need of therapy to deal with what happened.

    Like I said, she knew they were alone at his house and she willingly engaged in making out with him.  If she's old enough to be dating, she should know that making out will eventually lead to more.  If she isn't able to do more than kissing, that's perfectly okay, she should tell him what her limits are and he should respect those limits, and then she should stay out of situations where they may want to go farther.  And she shouldn't slap him.  Take his hand, move it away, and say, "No, against the rules, stop it."

    In law, it depends on what country you're in whether or not simply touching a woman's breast can be considered sexual abuse or even rape.  In the US, as long as he stopped the minute she said "No" (or in this case, the minute she slapped him), then has committed no crime.  It's only a crime here if he continues after she has asked him to stop.

  5. this is the law and order episode with Olivia's little brother right??lol OMG i loved this episode!! I dont feel that he did anything wrong  she just got a flash back to her attack!!  

  6. He never aske for consent and he was the agresser.  they were in a relationship for a year and they were kissing.  He never forced himself on her.  He wrongly assumed she would not mind her touching her breast.  Was it ever brought up between the two of them that she had been a victim of sexual abuse?  He never asked and she never gave him the chance to say no looking at the facts I would say he was not in the wrong If at the first graze of her breast if she had said no and he did not stop then i would then say he was wrong but she did not give him this chance she instead thought of her past and then proceeded to slap him.  In a relationship communication is Key.  You must share between each other.  she did not give him this chance.  She should have said No  I am not ready instead of slapping him and maybe they would still be a couple.

  7. No - not at all, especially if he stopped when she asked him too.  It would have been considered normal for them to share their bodies.  Although she could be charged with harrassment becasue she hit him.

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