
Do you think it is a successful Olympics ?

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Is Chinese doing a good job about Olympics ?




  1. Has been rated as best or among the best by many countries' media for the facilities, opening ceremony and the hosting of events.

    "Subjective judges rating" does not play a part.  Judges are competent judges from all over the world, unless you want to insult your own country for sending in those judges.  

  2. China wanted to show the world that they are a leader and i think they done a good job hosting the games.

  3. ^^^^^^^Along with quite a few controversial calls (mostly favours China...I know there is home advantage and such but still, it was too biased imo) here and there as well as crowd trouble I heard. I think it is successful however, it didn't live up to the massive potential it had.

  4. Yes, I think so.  Their facilities look awesome too.  I wish we had a stadium/pool like those in Australia. :p

  5. I think the most important measure is what the athletes think (after all they are the ones who have had to deal with it all) and the overwhelming feedback has been two thumbs up from them.

    The facilities seem to have been fantastic, with every effort made to provide the athletes with everything needed to perform to the best of their abilities.

    Good Job China! Well Done

  6. I have no doubt it was great job. I went to Beijing to see the athletics events and was surprised at how smooth everything was run. (Was wary that security would be too overwhelming, but no, did not feel like i was being policed) The buildings are well designed and very well constructed. The people are warm and friendly, and really happy for foreigners to be in beijing for the games. It was great.

  7.   The games this year have been filled with controversy, the young girl on opening night, China giving tickets away to fill empty stadiums and then there's the whole Free Tibet debate! Not to mention the way england were robbed of the chance of competing in the final of tae kwon do due to bias judges!

  8. Absolutely.

    They've done a fabulous job and I've not heard one athlete complain.

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