
Do you think it is bad for a 2 year old to watch t.v.,movies?

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because my sister n law puts a cartoon movie everynight..(everysingle night) for her 2 year old and the little girl gets actually stuck watching itshe doesnt even get up and play or anything for the whole movie which are generally hrs long actually the little girl isnt even 2 yet she going to turn two in a month or right now shes watching the little mermaid...i dont really let my 2 yr old nor my 1 year old watch t.v. because i heard it bad for them even the educational ones or am i wrong...




  1. Whats wrong with movies like that every night.  I would say as long as only one movie, no problem.  Then off to bed.

  2. each kid is diff, and each parent is diff. i personally let my kids watch T.V. but i let them watch the good stuff like Curious George, it helps with math and science concepts. and Thomas & Friends is actually pretty interesting because it teaches you to be nice and respectful.. hate dora and diego and the wonder vermin.. so i just let them watch the monkey and trains. My nephew loves books, wont even watch tv unless its this horrible commercial about abused animals needing your help set to Sarah McLachlans song 'angel' .. kinda creepy eh?

    Kinda funny how you guys are so against T.V. yet you are on the internet? If T.V. is so bad why do you watch it? If you dont, Why are you online? I KNOW there is things on here that are 10x worse than on tv

  3. i dont think its bad as long as they're not watching tv all day long, because then they become inactive and fat. but i let my three month old watch dora and other educational ones. but not for a long time

  4. it is better for the child not to watch t.v.  some people use t.v. as a baby sitter, so they can get things done.  but I believe you are correct in not letting your children watch t.v.

    that is sad that she does it every night. that poor little girl  

  5. Okay i guess this makes me a bad mom, but i leave the tv on literally all day.  But my son (2 yrs) doesn't get sucked in all day, we just have it on so that when he wants to sit down and be calm there is something to entertain him.  It is literally the same movie that automatically repeats, until i am ready to go nuts and change it.  I like it because all the shows i let him watch (Elmo, Bob the Builder) have great songs that he sings along with while he is playing.  He literally sings the elmo song while pushing his cars across the room. Sometimes he will watch for ten minutes and then play for thirty, sometimes the opposite, but he is healthy, perfect weight, completely social, smart as a whip (he can direct me home from his grandmas a 1/2 mile away), and i don't think it is hurting him to have background noise.  I don't see how its any different then a woman leaving the tv on while doing household chores.  I like background noise, and i swear he behaves better when he has a reason to sit down and be calm while having his snacks or his juice.  

    ps. i don't allow him to eat in front of the tv, and i make sure he gets lots of outside playtime.  We also spend educational mommy and me time, our pediatrician recommended it.

  6. I think as long as she isnt in front of the tv all day long that is fine. I dont believe in that whole thing that children shouldnt watch tv before 3 because its bad for them. My son watches Baby Einstein DVD's and I really feel that they do help his vocabulary. He gets to watch a maximum of 1 hour a day of tv. This is when I get to actually do things around the house without interuption.

  7. i let me 2 year old watch movies and other tv shows as long as they still are getting up and doing other things. and are not couch potatoes i think its fine my son seems to be fine and it ever so smart and im not just saying that because hes my son

  8. My 2 and a half year old has enjoyed movies since she was about 2 years old. She likes movies like Stuart Little, Madagascar, Nemo all the CGI type movies and I don't mind her watching one movie per day. In the morning I always wake up and switch on playschool while I go have my shower and while we are eating breakfast.

  9. we don't own a TV -there isn't enough time in the day to sit in front of it.

  10. No, you are not wrong. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old and we NEVER put a movie in for them. (and I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm with them alllll day) They are both very active, they get into everything and are healthy, chubby-yet-fit kids. Parents are so blind to the effects that TV is having on their kids. A huge percentage of children and infants are obese and it is because of TV, and eating while watching TV. It is bad for children's eyesight, brain development (even the educational ones) and it is only a way for a parent to ignore their kids for a few hours. Lol, sorry to go on and on, I feel very passionately about this subject! :)  

  11. As long as she's not watching TV all day, I think it's fine. No, TV isn't the best thing at this age, but it is her choice and it's not a horrible one.

  12. to each his own  

  13. Let her do what she wants, and you do what you want

  14. My granddaughter has watched tv since she was a yr old. As long as it isn't an all day every day thing, then theres nothing wrong with it. She would get up in the morning and watch PBS for a while and play the rest of the day. Now she's 7 and she only wants to watch cooking shows!

  15. i took my son off of tv and movies cold turke i let him watch 1/2 hr a wk if he behaves. when he would watch tv i notice that he is not himself he acts out everything he sees which was so annoying now that he doesnt watch tv he sits quietly and colors looks at his books plays outside he shows his true personality there is No benefit from tv  watching it literally fries your brain so in response to our question that is awful that she lets the tv babysit her children.

  16. I let my 2 years old daughter to watch Gogo's everyday and now she can count 1 to 10. I let her see Barney and she can sing twinkle little star although still not correct pronunciation.  

  17. I let my 2 year old watch TV if I didn't I would get anything done! She does get up and play most of the day long and sometimes as she watching it she doing other things too. I don't think its really going to hurt them, you don't have to let your kids watch it. I honestly think my daughter has learned so much from it. And my sisters swear the kids they let watch it learned more than the ones they didn't let watchh it. But really who knows! =)  

  18. I don't see why it's bad, jsut as long as they don't make a habit of ti, and i doubt they will remember that a movie is on everynight at whatever time.   have her sometimes take the kids to the park.

  19. The great TV debate!!  I know people feel VERY strongly about this..but I have never put any limits on my kids tv watching...they have the tv on all day every day...sometimes watching and sometimes it's just on for background noise.  They also play videogames and my oldest plays on the computer.  But honestly, all 3 of my kids are smart, my oldest is actually gifted (no way of proving that, you'll just have to believe me, lol!)  Anyway, the tv obviously hasn't done my kids any harm.

    I will add this though, I don't park my kids in front of the tv and expect them to be babysat.  My kids attend school and preschool, and I take them to the library...they enjoy books, we do puzzles at home, we play sometimes, they play outside.  So, I feel like tv is perfectly fine as part of a balanced childhood...kind of like cookies are fine to have as part of a balanced diet.  

    So, to answer your question...I think what your sil is doing is fine. If she is 2 and she's watching a 2 hour movie, I don't think that's excessive at all.  

  20. You do what's right for your kids and she'll do what's right for her kids.  

    My daughter had no interest in TV or movies until she was 16 months old.  I was relieved that she would finally watch 10 minutes of TV so I could get some housework done or dinner made.  

  21. TV is no substitute for human interaction....but a couple hours once a day as long as mom is otherwise very hands on won't kill her.

    Moderation in EVERYTHING.  Especially moderation.  I posit that that 2 hours may be saving mommy's sanity and therefore is VERY beneficial.

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