
Do you think it is bad that they show ads on nickolodian that talk about preventing "global warming"?

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They re trying to force kids to go green when they may not want to be liberal hippies. I guess that shows the evil of Viacom.




  1. That is propaganda they should not lie to kids because they may believe it they are not able to form opinions yet. Oh, wait liberals can't either they just believe what they hear without even thinking about what they hear.

  2. even kids need to know that our planet is in trouble. cant start to young.

  3. maybe the neo-cons here who think that viacom is indoctrinating kids into "liberal thought" should stop sending their kids to church to be indoctrinated into the neo-con culture.   hippocrites

  4. No, what's bad is the predatory, self interested  adults who dog them and tell them their parents, teachers and the people on their favorite TV shows are all lying to them.  Pedophiles look benevolent next to those types.


    Reading the responses of the people who seem to agree with Dr. Smith I'm astounded at the number of people bellyaching about their kids watching Nickelodian.  My child watched Nickelodian, and he's 33 now, so let me pass on my experience as a Dad.  If you see your child watching something on TV you think is bad for him DON'T LET HIM WATCH IT!!!  If you're talking about somebody else's kids it's none of your business so shut up.  If you find yourself in any other parenting conundrums, feel free to call on me.

  5. lieing to kid is freedom of speech these days

  6. are you kidding? it's absolutely wonderful. kids should be concerned about the environment, they should grow up being concerned about the environment, and they should become adults who are concerned about the environment. going green is not about being a liberal hippy, it's about saving our freaking planet -- a cause every living person should be concerned about.

  7. What better place for the mouth-breathing Warmers to start their brainwashing campaign...... our innocent youth!

  8. Go greening does not make you a hippy! They are trying to get people to care about the Earth, nothing wrong with that.

  9. boo you.

  10. They're a private enterprise; they can air whatever they like. If you don't want your kids watching it, then I suggest you block the network.

  11. No, I don't.

    While global warming is still a hotly debated topic, doing little things to be more environmentally friendly isn't harmful or inherantly "liberal." After all, selling a Prius is just as capitalistic as selling a Porsche, and it's just plain easier to go about business if oil spills aren't in the way. :)

  12. I think its terrible that they are trying to indoctrinate our children. They are shoving the secular progressive junk  at them from all angles now.

  13. They want to better the world, both liberals and conservitive should help make the world better. Its a stupid thought that they are trying to make kids Liberal by wanting them to clean up their comunities.

  14. Anything you tell a child is a form of mind altering propaganda. Got a problem with it? Might I suggest turning off the television and reading to your children or taking them to a park?

    Or wait... you hate liberals and hippies...

    Take them to church/gun range/monster truck race/country music concert?

    See, I can use stereotypes too.

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