
Do you think it is easier to empower and motivate people to do things than it is to just remove obstacles?

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Do you think it is easier to empower and motivate people to do things than it is to just remove obstacles?




  1. It's easier to remove the obstacles in the short term, but creates a long term human liability in the form of a lethargic and unproductive population.

  2. Removing obstacles is something we can do by ourselves. I mean, we can have full control of our actions and ways.

    Empowering and motivating people, is a difficult task since we deal with human personalities.  If one has decided not to cooperate, not to Act, no matter what we do, it is not possible we can motivate them.

  3. ...i'd like to think when people are empowered and motivated we can apply a higher level of conciousness to act in a concerted effort remove obstacles...or whatever the task...

    ...this feeling of satisfaction for accomplishments and goals attained together...makes it easier next time...

    ...making it a positive change...

  4. Absolutely not! If you are going to ask someone to do something, give them the tools and where-with-all to do it and then get the h**l out of their way. All that empowerment and motivation stuff is BS. You let them know you expect results and then let them get about the business of getting on with the getting on while you run interference. That's your job as the boss. Nobody but nobody messes with them. Any issue needs addressing, it goes through you.

  5. Depending on whose doing the empowering and motivating--YES!

    Some are good at motivating and others are good at removing obstacles--problem is not enough are doing either!

  6. assuming that you knew the obstacles and you'd have to motivate others to fight against them... I would say it's easier to remove them yourself than trying to persuade others to do it...

  7. No, it's easier to simply remove the obstacles (at least in the short run). However, it can be easier in the long run to have empowered and motivated people because they will remove their own obstacles rather than depending on you to do it for them repeatedly. Getting them empowered and motivated, on the other hand, can be a daunting task.

  8. Yes!

    Over-all.....the amount of perceived obstacles will be dramatically reduced, and the few problems that do arise are much more easily over-come.

    Self-Powered and Motivated People are excellent achievers.

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