
Do you think it is fare that birth mothers have more rights than birth fathers?

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What if in the hospital a birth father decided to give the baby up for adoption and the birth mother didn't want that but the birth father had more rights than her. Do you think this would stop all the baby stealing done by adoption agencies and the mothers saying they don't know who the father is.




  1. No. The child is more the father's then the mother's because he is the one who provides for his family and is the one who did all that work making the baby.

  2. I agree there is an inequity, not just in adoption cases but in all cases involving kids.   However, I don't see an easy answer.

  3. I think you need to think about what you are implying before you accuse adoption agencies of stealing babies.

    Here in the UK there are such rigid systems in place it would be almost impossible.

  4. Natural parents have equal rights. It is dishonest women who cause n-dads to loose those rights. If a father wishes to parent his child and is willing to go the extra mile he can petition the courts to rescind the adoption order pending a DNA evaluation. If the DNA testing shows the man to be the biological father he can then have the adoption thrown out and parent the child himself.

    As for the stealing of children that is done by agencies don't bother apologizing for your wording. Stealing is exactly what they often do only us natural parents call it cohersion. They use imflamitory language and degrading techniques to convince women to relinquish their maternal and paternal rights... I think stealing is the perfect term.

  5. I think you are right to call it stealing but kidnapping works too.

    Mothers do have more rights. The law is a mess and all we can do is try to fight for our rights.

    Brown v. Taylor (Maryland)

    Brown v. Taylor (Delaware)

    Brown v. State of Delaware (Federal)

  6. Birth fathers, if they are known, need to voluntarily sign termination of rights to the baby the same way the birth mother does. If they refuse or they have been no support to the birth mother during the pregnancy and post pregnancy period (if any) and they did KNOW about the baby, then the courts may involuntarily terminate their rights. That's the way it is now in the U.S. anyway.

  7. What is a birthfather?  I never knew men could give birth.

    If you are referring to the natural or real father then he should have equal rights to his child IMO

    And I agree, US adoption agencies do not do enough to ensure the natural father's rights are honored, not by a long way

  8. if you are married you have all the rights. but you need a lawyer to help you.

  9. Mothers have more rights as they gave birth to the child, in England if the couple is married they have equal rights and responabilties, if they are not then the mother has the rights and parental responsabilty of the child.

  10. don't be an idiot, if men would give ones birth they will commit suicide before u know it they have the pain not u so they have the last word

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