
Do you think it is likely that my 16 year old son has had s*x?

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He's a well behaved, well educated boy who's been dating his girlfriend for 2 and a half years now (it may of been three or more, but I've only known about it since the 2 and a half year stage). He's 16 and she's a year older and they love each other to bits.

How likely do you think it is that they have made love?

I know this sounds like a snooping Mom, but I feel that I should be discussing things of that nature with him, for example safety etc. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he tells me that he doesn't need my help.

I'm getting old and not really with the times anymore, so I ask, do you think it is likely?

Mel in New York




  1. I would say it's more than likely!

  2. Its possible...

    You can't know unless he tells you..

  3. My son had girlfriends but he waited until he was 18 to have intercourse.

  4. Yep I do.  My brother lost his virginity when he was 16 with his girlfriend (17) of a year.  No one even suspected, until my brother told me a few years later.  In opposition to your son, however, my brother is rebellious and not well-behaved, so I'm not saying that it's probable that your son has done it, but just that it's a possibility.  I'd say it's a very average age to lose it.  But he needs to listen to you!  You know about protection and he might not, so he needs to open up to you somehow!  Good luck!

  5. It sounds like your son is having a mature and responsible relationship for someone his age.  It's been going on a long time and she hasn't gotten pregnant so far.  I am sure both of them have lots of information about s*x and responsibility from school and friends by now.   I know you are concerned, but trust in the good job that you have already done in raising him.  You asked if he needed information and he told you he didn't.  Keep the lines of communication open so he feels comfortable coming to you with the questions that he DOES need answers to.  

    I have 2 sons, 28 and 19 years of age.  I check with them from time to time about giving them advice.  Sometimes they want and need it, and sometimes they don't!  It's hard not to be concerned, but try to give them their space and let them use their good sense and work it out themselves.  If he needs you, he knows you are there and always have his best interests at heart.

    Keep up the good work!  Good luck to you!

  6. Well Mel, I honestly think that it is quite possible that it could have happened one or more times. I am also 16 and still a virgin but I know that a lot of kids in my school do it.

    My class is going into its junior year this year. I don't know what grade your son is going into but you might want to take that into consideration.

    The next thing that you have to look at is that they have been going out for nearly 3 years. This is a long time for a high school relationship.

    I honestly think that it could quite possibly be happening. And if it is happening, it has probably been happening for 6 months to possibly a year.

    You are right to think that something is going on and you are not being a nosy mother, you are just trying to protect your son from making mistakes, like every mother. The only problem is though is that there is not much you can say to him to make him stop.

    I guess the only thing for you to do at this time is for you to talk to him about protection. Other than that, there's nothing much to say at this point, unless you know for sure.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

  7. Judging by this question you are not the parent of a 16 yr old.;...


    Edit: "Sometimes I like to ask a question to help out others.

    So thanks for you answer, but thats pretty lame to automatically presume that every question is posted is personally related to the poster."

    Because so many times they are lying questions, and can usually be proven.  And people do change their writing styles.  

    Anyway, if your question is a true question, you waited too long to discuss s*x with him.

  8. probably i was shocked when i found out my 17 yeaar-old brother had s*x with his gf.. but dont worry its normal and frankly not really your buisness

  9. Probably yes, but if so you should be proud of your son for sticking with someone for so long and doing it with someone whom he knows and loves, you'd be surprised how lucky you really are in that regard. Can't blame him for not wanting to talk about s*x with his mom, that's awkward for any guy, but I think if you let him know that you're transparent and open to the fact it'll make him feel a whole lot better and supported, even though he'll never tell you as much.

  10. If you really want to know just ask him.

  11. Yes, unless one is g*y.

  12. hey! i am 16 and i am still a virgin and waiting until marriage to have s*x. only 12% of teens in the usa are sexually active, so most likely, your son and his girlfriend haven't had s*x, although it is possible, but not likely.

    if you really really think hes having s*x, you could like put a box of condoms in a place where he might look, like maybe sitting next to the family toilet. he might think that either you left it there by accident, or you forgot to put them away. i hope i helped and good luck :)

  13. Good thing that they love each other but having *** is not a proof of that so try to make him avoid it it is not RIGHT.Good luck with your son.

  14. yes.. i think he will of done honey. chances are very likely with him being at a legal age to have s*x and being with the girl for so long. x*x

  15. the answer is probably yes

  16. Chances are, since they have been dating that long, the answer is yes but you never know! There are many teens out there that swear to wait until marriage.  

  17. Yep. Pretty likely. But don't punish him until you are POSITIVE he did it.

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