
Do you think it is more acceptable for a man to be fat then a woman in society?

by  |  earlier

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If so why is that?




  1. no.  other way around.  cuz women need extra fat to aid in a healthy pregnancy.  too skinny or too fat may be a deterrant to becoming pregnant and or possibly an unhealthy pregnancy.  while, men being somewhat overweight could mean an improper diet or a type of job where they sit more than stand.  

  2. i actually think people dont care if they see a man thats 200 or 300 pounds because in some sort of strange way thats whats expected of them, because steriotypical man are big strong burly men who provide for their family(not saying thats what i think) and when people see 200 or 300 pound women they think that doesnt look right because steriotypical women are expected to be this tall skinny women with nice figures thats just what i think and its probably not accurate because im only 12.

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