
Do you think it is ok for women cover themselves or do you see that as an oppression?

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Do you think it is ok for women cover themselves or do you see that as an oppression?




  1. I assume you mean their faces, and if its part of their religion and/or culture why not.  In our culture we all have to where pants and I don't see that as an opression.

  2. If a woman wishes to cover herself, I have no issue with this whatsoever.  If she does this by choice, then I don't see how it's oppressive.  I prefer to see attractive women in appropriate attire, and I'm not ashamed to admit I like to see very s**y ladies who are scantily clad in the appropriate setting.  But there's nothing quite as fulfilling as seeing a woman like Rosie O'Donnell covered in a tarp the size of Texas.  So delightful, indeed.

  3. if they're covering themselves from top of the head to their feet so men won't be 'tempted' to rape them, then yes, that's considered oppression.  I think the men should wear potato sacks from the top of their heads down to and tied to their feet so it would impossible to catch someone let alone rape them.

  4. How much cover are we talking bout?

  5. If it is her choice, then no.

  6. This questions seems to go both ways: yes and no. It all depends on your perception.

    In the United States, we would view covering yourself up with a burkha as oppressive since we believe you have the freedom to wear what you want.

    In Islam, women covering themselves with a burkha and hijab can be seen as a rite of passage. Some Islamic women look forward to the day when they get to wear a hijab. They don't see it as covering themselves up, they see it more as a modesty thing. It's modest because then men can't objectify them. Men are forced to see the inner beauty rather than the outer beauty.

    Personally, I think it is okay as long as the woman isn't being forced. If the woman is proud and happy to be covered, then I see nothing wrong with it. It's when women are being forced that I have a problem.

  7. It is a beautiful thing when a woman tries to protect her image, modesty and dignity. In no way should it be seen as oppression. Woman who cover themselves are trying to higher the view and the womans place in society and in others eyes. Instead of people looking at their bodies, and beauty, they are taken for their respect, kindness and modesty, in showing their respect for themselves. Woman who wear revealing clothing, that shows and reveals their features, do not have as much respect as those who do cover their body. They do not show respect for their  body and other woman, which is why woman still struggle in the western society to find their place and stance amongst men. Woman who cover chose to do it from themselves,  no man or male figure forces them into it. It is something a woman must do in the religion of Islam, and many people seem to overlook Nuns!!! Who themselves cover up. So was is the difference between nuns and muslim woman? Why does no one ask are the nuns oppressed? Not to long ago, 40yrs or so, woman did not go to the Churches with their hair revealed, but now the churches have become more modernized, and religion should not be that way.  

  8. On her own - no it's not oppression

    she's forced to - it's oppression.

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