
Do you think it is ok to start planning this early?

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For my baby shower I mean. There is so much I want to do and get. My in-laws are probably going to be hosting it but I am going to be doing all the decorating and planning for it. Well the big one that is and my side of the family which is really small will probably have me a really small one closer to when I am due.

I will probably have my baby shower in the very beginning of December, possibly beginning of January. Not completely sure yet.

But I wanted to start picking the things I wanted and the stuff to go into the gift bags etc. And maybe just start buying favors now and saving them. You know take it little bit at a time and then really start planning like the month before.

Is It too soon to start planning now?




  1. It is "proper" to have only one baby shower... BUT that doesn't hold up much in this day. For example, if you're having a boy but already have a girl, it's ok. If there's more than 5 years between the children, it's considered alright. But most importantly, it depends on your family. If they are willing to throw a shower for you, then why in the world would you deny it?

    I don't think it's too soon to start planning. The only reason I haven't is because I'm waiting to find out what it is. Just send your invites out about 30 days before. If you want to help in planning your own, go for it. Each family is different and if it's acceptable, then go for it! Enjoy!!

  2. The baby shower planning should really be left up to the shower hostess/es.

    You are the guest of honor (well, you and your baby) and someone else is supposed to throw the shower for you.  Let them!

  3. I personally dont believe it is appropriate to have a baby shower every time you are pregnant, and i think most people would agree it is not the norm.. Have your inlaws actually told you they were throwing you a baby shower?? or are yoiu just assuming? if you are assuming you could be rudely shoked. with your first baby you dont have any baby wares and the party allows people to bring gifts and help start your collection, but now you have a baby so another baby shower is not really acceptable by most people. i would think if you threw a celebration when the baby is born and then if you get gifts you do, but it ios not about the gifts and i do not believe you should throw another shower and make people feel they should buy you presents. just my opinion and if your family want to throw you another party then thats great, but technically you dont have anything to do with the party. you are just the guest that turns up and laps up the attention. another family member should organise everything for you.. because remember, it is not protocal to have another baby shower.

  4. i had my baby shower after i found at the s*x, so round the 4-5 month mark i had it.

  5. I say start planning as soon as you want, you can never be too organised! I dont think it matters if it's your 2nd 3rd or 4th baby if you want a baby shower that's exactly what you should do it's your life after all,i also think it would be a good idea to have 2 especially if both sides of the family don't get along, good luck hope you have a great baby shower! And good luck with your new bundle of joy!

  6. I understand your concern, my husband hosted my shower but I had to help decorate and what not.  It is a good idea to get the favors and what not that way you are not running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, and you are not spending a ton of money all at once.  Might I suggest you do not go all out on favors and such, you can find some really neat stuff at the dollar stores as well as plates and napkins.  As far as I am concerned, have as many baby showers as you want, that is the time to rack up on the free diapers and loot cuz that does come in handy.  Good luck to you and congrats!

  7. First off, I don't believe in having more than one baby shower.  The point of a baby shower is to prepare for the new baby, thus being usually the FIRST baby.  Second, why are you doing things for your own baby shower.  Your hosts should be decorating and doing any favors and everything for you.  It's just a day for you to relax and have fun.  I don't think you do any of it, if you even have one.  Personally, I go to one for each of my friends, only the first one.  But that's just me.

  8. Start planning whenever you feel like it!  Don't let old-fashioned stereotypes of only having one baby shower for your first-born hold you back.  

    However, before you get to far into the planning make sure your in-laws are happy to be 'hosting' the shower!   I'm not due till Feb 09 and my daughter is already planning the baby shower :)

    Enjoy & congratulations!

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