
Do you think it is okay to home school and what do you thing about California's new requirements?

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If so, why and what experience have you had with homeschooling?

If not, why and what experience have you had with homeschooling?




  1. CA doesn't have any new requirements.  

    All my children were homeschooled.  My oldest is a police officer, My second a minister, My third works in computers, and my baby is still at home.  She sells dog clothes online. They are all doing fine.  I was partially homeschooled in early life then again in high school.  Many in our church and family homeschool.  It's just a way of life.

  2. California does NOT have new requirements. Whatever the judge said is not being held up.

    Yes, I believe it's okay to homeschool. I believed it before I wanted to homeschool and believe it now that we do homeschool. My older child is 10 and has never gone to school. Why do I believe it's okay? Because the vast majority of parents choosing to homeschool their kids are parents who care about their kids and want the best for them. Sometimes this means better academics; sometimes it means more of a chance to become who they are rather than becoming like the kid sitting next to them in class. Whatever the case, the parents do it for their children's best interests.

  3. There are no new homeschool requirements in California.  This was misunderstood media hype about one family in a legal case, it hasn't changed any laws

    I have been homeschooling my kids for 16 years and find it a wonderful experience.  They have grown into amazing adults and I couldn't be happier spending time with them.

    Homeschooling offers so many opportunities that are just not possible in traditional school.  There are more people with whom to interact, and with more diversity.  There is more time to meet people and go places and experience life in the real world outside of a classroom.  It's incredible what can happen when you aren't limited by traditional school.


  4. California has no new requirements.  There was a misinformed decision by an appeals court.  The court itself realized the error it had made and has decided to rehear the case.  In any event, courts do not make laws or requirements.  They only interpret this case, incorrectly.

    Homeschooling is every family's constitutional right.  Parents and children have a right to use the best educational method for each student.  For some students, this involves school.  For others, it involves education in the real world - homeschooling.  

    I would like to add that there is a misconception about homeschooling  - that children spend all day around the kitchen table, learning from mom or dad.  This is simply not the case.  My child actually attends more classes with more kids than if she attended a school.

  5. My daughter has been homeschooling her children for 8 years. Do not listen to the person who said his cousin or whatever is the dumbest girl he knows. She may just be dumb, homeschool or not. It works. How many 12 year olds actually ask for more learning? She does a relaxed homeschooling until he gets into high school. They read all the time, have tons of special board games for math and science, etc. The 9 year old was not forced like public school to read. He learned when he was ready, and at 6 1/2 started reading. He now reads children's novels and can recite parts of books word for word. They have a hunger for learning that public school kills. They love knowledge and so far, this is working for them.  The 3 older ones are boys, and they are rough and tough, play ball, roller blade, skateboard, but have a hunger to learn. They speak articulately and are well adjusted and happy. They surpass the cousins that are public schooled and they are very socially sound. They can talk to adults and have coversations with peers in their HS groups. It is a wonderful way to raise and teach children. She does this on a Christian based level. The almost 3 year old can hold a conversation like a 6 year old and she knows all her letters, numbers, and can read little words. So, I think homeschooling is great. Unless, of course, my grandchildren are all geniuses anyway! :)

  6. i dont think home schooling is effective.  My aunt homeschooled her 2 daughters and they are the dumbest girls i have ever met.  Their spelling is dreadful, their knowledge of world events is non existent and their maths skills are nonexistent.

  7. I am not familiar with the new ca. requirements but as far as homeschooling,

    pluses are that a child will have more individual attention, more flexibility and can learn at own pace, it removes the peer pressure and when an interest arises a home school can devote more time to it than a public school.

    the only draw back I see with it is that to function in the real world people skills are very important and a home school does not offer daily interaction with others.

    The experience I have with homeschooling is limited but my kids have friends that are home schooled and this is what I have seen in them.

  8. Home schooled children has been pr-oven to provide higher

    grades, because of the "one on one" attention they receive.

    They are also, more readily accepted into collages because

    of their higher grades.

    My wife's sister has/is raising six children. Two are in collage now. I hope, this proves my point. <}:-})

  9. I think it is totaly fair to be home schooled, their should be no law that people should not be aloud to be home schooled!!!

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