
Do you think it is overreacting for a parent to make a big deal of lunck aide sitting on table?

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I work in a school and one of the cafeteria aides at the school was discussing the conditions of her child's school. Nobody here knows what state I live in let alone where I work and I will keep it this way. But anyway, this aide, discussing her child's school, made such a big deal because the aide was sitting at a table (NOT the one that the children were sitting on, accross it) and swinging her leggs on it. I know it is unprofessional and probably not being a good role model for the kids, as the kids are not allowed to sit on the table. However, she acted like it was such a big deal!

She was all "It is unsanitary that her butt is touching the table that food goes on" Like she didn't have pants on, and like we don't clean the table, or like they put their food directly on the table. What does everybody think of this? Why would she act so crazy about it? Or is it normal to overreact.




  1. No, tables are for glasses not a$$e$

  2. her pants are probably clean its not like her bare bottem was on the table, and if no one was eating on it whats the big deal, they wash the tables. why dont you tell that lady that her mouth is the one that is annoying and unsanitary

  3. I think she has a point. It is highly unprofessional and unsanitary. Do you know where her pants were that day? Think about it. Can you honestly say you would have no problem eating a meal if you went into the restaurant and the employees were sitting on the counters and tables? Plus the health inspector would have had a hay day with that.

  4. I think she is overreacting. I wonder if she worries that much about the food they serve children in school. Most of the time it is so bad that only school children and inmates get served this food. Just look at the last beef recall. The meat went to schools all over. Perhaps next time remind her of that fact.

  5. That sounds like a little bit of overreaction.

  6. Sounds inappropriate for someone who's supposed to be a roll model for our children when they are away at school.

  7. i would agree that she was overreacting, i'm sure that all someone would of had to do was ask her to not sit on the table right??? sounds like the lady needs a chill pill

  8. I can see both sides to the story really. If the kids arent allowed to sit on the table then why should this aide sit on it. If its a table at which children eat then personally I do think that is not very hygenic. Is the table cleaned everyday? I know that im a primary teacher and those tables arent cleaned everyday.

  9. People are weird.  People sit on tables all the time.  I've never heard of anyone getting into a snit about it.  Sheesh.

  10. Yes it was totally overreacting.   Sitting on a table is setting a bad example.  But has no merit on the school.  As far as unsanitary conditions...if you aren't sending your child to school with his own little trial size of GermX then how concerned are you really.  Because kids pass germs between each other every few seconds.

    And there is a bigger problem if your child has to look at the lunch aide a role model.  Nothing against lunch aides.

  11. she has serious issues. I mean, its not like she pees her pants or isn't wearing any!

  12. Well I guess its like if you went to a restuarant and your waiter or waitress sat on your table. Not exactly sanitary and definately not appealing while consuming food.

  13. honestly? i do not think it is a good thing for that aide to be placing her butt on the table. that is not cleanliness what so ever... you do not know where that thing has been nor has anyone else... she could be wearing dirty pants for all you know!!! she is very unprofessional and she needs to start showing good workmanship there.

  14. yes, do you know how ebarrising it is to have some one sit with you at lunch that is their time to talk about what they want an not for some one to tell them what they can and cat talk about!

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