
Do you think it is right for my(16) to go out with a 20 year old?

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Do you think it is right for my(16) to go out with a 20 year old?




  1. The more you fight her over it, the closer they become.

  2. I know its hard to explain this to the 16 yr old, but Remember she's underage and any hanky panky can land him in jail or brought up on charges. s*x offender charges too. Because hes of legal age for an adult. She is a child(USA right?). Its not a safe situation for the 20 year old. So basically its a 1st or second year college student going out with a second or third year high scool student. I'd warn against it. When the 16 year old is 18 it will be a more acceptable situation. Even 10 years apart is ok at that age. When I was 30 I went out with many freshman,sophmore college girls. They and I had good times and it was legal. Heres another angle for you to think about.....You could be brought up on charges for child endangerment from some D.A.

  3. right now, no. but in a few years, yes. my parents were 19 and 24 whan they met; which i'd say they were old enough; they were both over 18. sadly, the passed away last year.

  4. You can't stereotypically say that there is a  black and white rule for this type of thing. Honestly, it could be Very very wrong, or it could be quite alright. It more often happens that it isn't exactly right, or it's somewhere in between. I'd say don't worry too much over it; usually with age differences like that, it resolves itself because point blank, that 20 year old in college is probably going to get tired of having to put up with the restrictions of his girlfriend being in high school all day and living with her parents still. Just be a good mother and try to be accepting and hopefully your daughter will come to you and discuss things if she feels like something just isn't right. Freak out, and you'll make her cling to him longer even if she doesn't really want to.

  5. no

  6. I don't think its right at all.  Its also down right disgusting.  Why would a grown up want to date a child.  The 20 year old needs to seek counseling

  7. If you let this happen, you shoud be prosecuted as an unfit parent.

  8. Absolutely not.  Nothing good will come from it.

  9. If you want to get into legal hot water, be my guest.

  10. I don't know about right or wrong. But he obviously does not have much sense.  They usually go younger for one of two reasons, they can't get anything their own age or they want to take advantage of the younger one. You decide what is best for your daughter.

  11. Imo, no.

    But have to admit, when I was 22, I dated a 17 yo girl for over a year.

    She was living at home ( I, of course was not).

    Her parents were fairly conservative.

    Now some years later, still casual friends with her folks, but have lost contact with her.

    In hindsight, kinda surprising...

  12. Nope.  That's too big an age different for the 16 year old.  In 5 years it wouldn't matter, but right now, I'd say no.

  13. it depends on the situation!:-0 If she was really well behaved and he was okay and not a frieky long hair dude then I would say it was okay:-0! I know someone who dated a 20 year old and they were only 15:-0!! And they ended up getting married:-0!!! I would seek guideance from God!

  14. I think it depends on the situation, if she's keeping up with her school work and staying on top of everything she should be doing I don't see why it would be a problem.  If this guy is getting her distracted from things and you don't like the influence he's having on her, then I think you should stop their relationship.

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