
Do you think it is right that the royals should be seen to support only england in spoting events?

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I have seen on many occasion the royals supporting england at sporting events like this weekend Harry was at the stadium warring an england shirt (lucky git) but When walse scotland and northern Ireland play I never see any royals there to show any support.

what do you all think




  1. Anne supports Scotland but it's rather strange Harry supporting England as he likes to be called Wales in the army.

    I didn't see the prince of wales supporting Wales

    I've never seen any of them support Northern Ireland

  2. Do you blame them?

  3. well maybe if Wales, Scotland or Ireland actually made it past a few rounds they might feel enticed to do so.

    But main reason is that the are English.  I will support scotland , wales and ireland on the TV but i wouldn't actually go and watch a match live (unless they were playing England)

  4. Princes Anne supports Scotland

  5. I go with El Diablo. I'm not a British myself, so I'm one of those who wonder why your princes only support English team.

    The royal family is the "guardian" (or whatever u called it) of the United Kingdom, right? "United" does mean something...

  6. Its just not true the Princess Royal (Anne to you) goes to virtually every Scottish Rugby International. Her son actually qualifies to play for Scotland.

  7. I've seen William and Harry at Welsh matches both soccer and rugby.

    In rugby the Irish team is drawn from both Ireland and Northern Ireland.  So I don't think it would go down well if one of the Royals turned up dressed in what is mainly a Republic of Ireland team.

  8. It is logical that the royals would be supporting England because they are the royal family of England, however, I see your point.

  9. I don't think it's a big deal.....they are English after all. And anyway, you don't have to be from a certain place to like their rugby team or whatever

  10. I think they should all be shot but, that said, Princess Anne was at the last Scotland rugby game in the world cup. Perhaps they don't know anyone to get them tickets?

  11. Most of us have come to term witht he fact the royal family are English. But respect to Prince Charlie who does put a kilt on occassionally.

  12. The Princess Royal is patron of the Scottish Rugby Union and often attends Scotland matches.  Her son, Peter Phillips played for the Scotland U23 team.

  13. Anne supports Scotland

  14. Our Charlie (Prince of Wales) has often supported Wales in the past.  

    Why shouldn't they support their country?!  Don't we all?!  Would be a bit strange if he was seen to be supporting the other team.

  15. They should support all of them "We are supposed to be a united kingdom "

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