
Do you think it is right to allow females to continue to have hegemony in education?

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A sergeant/lieutenant has control over the experiences and immediate action of his/her troops. Although a higher ranking officer may draw up an elaborate plan, it is up to the commanders in the field to actually implement and improvise. The same is true in education. When females act as the commanders in the field, it is up to them to actually implement and improvise grand strategies. At least as much (and I'd argue more) real control that actually affects children is held by females in education.

In Brown vs. Board of Education it was found that having black students exposed to white teachers caused the black children to identify being white as being superior. Why is it acceptable logic in this instance but not acceptable logic when it comes to female hegemony in education adversely affecting male students?

Perhaps it does not play into your gender stereotypes. Every being ever born into this world was born by a woman. If that's not an opportunity for equal influence, what is?




  1. Before this question can be answered, first you need to show that females actually do have hegemony in education.

  2. i didnt know females have hegemony ^_^

  3. Female hegemony? Funny. Maybe in menstrual cycles or having babies, otherwise I don't think women are considered the dominant or powerful figures in education or any other largely female occupations. Just because women outnumber men in an occupation, doesn't mean they have a hegemony. Men aren't lining up to get low paying teaching jobs.

    Do you sincerely think that women have a hegemony in education or anywhere else?

  4. Hegemony as in greater numbers of educators?  What's the problem there?  As to influence regarding policy, I agree with the first post -- what evidence is there?

  5. I have to this question a joke?  Surely you can't be serious.  If you are, I have to ask why nobody is questioning the adverse affect male teachers might have on female students.  In this day and age, why should it be assumed that only males are worthy of hegemony?

    In the case of black students being exposed to white teachers, race wasn't the problem.  The problem was the attitude of the white teachers and their total disregard for African American culture and values.  

    America has a history of disregarding and decimating other cultures.  We did it to the Indians as well.  They were forced to assimilate into our culture, values and beliefs.  It is possible for a person of one race to lead and teach a person of another race while still respecting their cultures and values.  Many people who adopt children of different races make a point of teaching them about their heritage and instilling pride in who they are because some people are finally realizing that when we decimate one culture, everyone loses.

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