
Do you think it is rude when someone says "no offense"?

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When they are talking about anything at all.




  1. I think it's pointless. You know you may offend someone just say it. And I hate when people say "I'm sorry but...."  

  2. No not at all, but someone says this while usually saying something that knowingly likely will offend the one they are talking to or those whom are in ear shot range. The "no offense" statement isn't is a weak attempt by the offender to pardon themselves!

  3. I'd punch anybody who would say it to me

  4. i don't find it offensive if the say "no offense" if they don't think it's rude that i slam there ****** faces into a-wall

  5. if they say it in a joke type tone then I would laugh with them, cause u know, there obvious tryin to make u feel bad in a funny way..but if it's like abitchy tone then I would just walk away from the convo. :))

  6. Not at all... because they mean exactly what they say..."no offense" they don't want yo to get offensive... i say it all the time..

  7. Yes.  They're trying to tell you how to feel.

  8. Yeah, it's like they had to get it out no matter what. How can you NOT take offense when that person is hurting your feelings and stuff. It makes them feel better to get it off their chest, but at the same time, don't wanna hurt you much so they say No Offense. Geez! Open mouth, insert foot.

  9. yea i know..i actually find it MORE rude when they say "no offense" than when they actually say something.

  10. A little

  11. No, because they are trying to just get a point across without making you think they are talking about you in a rude way. I think it actually shows respect.

  12. I think that kind of depends on what they say and who is present. For example, if a man is around some females and he says "no offense" then proceeds to (or have already made) make derogatory remarks about women then yes "it is rude," among other things.

    Thanks for asking.

  13. No it's not rude. They are making sure you do not misunderstand what they're trying to say to you. No offense of course!

  14. you can tell when they purposely say no offense because they know its going to be offense so they try to cut down on the severity of it. but other people who honestly dont mean to offend you can be recognised from those who just try to cover their own inability to tell the truth

  15. Usually someone says "no offence" after they've said something offensive, so it's not really rude but what they said before was rude.

  16. Yes, very much so. They try to make the fact that they are offending you less offensive but they are making the fact that they are offending you more obvious. Thus, you feel more offended (if that makes sense).

  17. It depends, most of the time offense IS intended when using that phrase. But there can be criticism that can involve it and still intend no offense towards the criticized.

  18. No... basically its a warning that they are about to SAY something offensive, and they do not want YOU to become defensive, you know??

  19. Dumb question... "no offense"

  20. Of course, no offense is the slap in your face right before the uppercut.

    It has to be followed with the greatest slander you have ever heard. Irony, really.

  21. well someone asked for "no offense" shouldn't it be obvious?

    blah its one of those retarded extras people add that sounds so pompous you feel like murdering them right on the spot.

  22. Absolutely!  Thanks for asking this.

    Remember the movie "Pulp Fiction," when she says something to the effect of you can ask me but you have no control on how I'll respond or react...?

    When someone throws in the sneaky "No offense, but..." I'm immediately offended.  I should be because if the asker even suspects the answerer may get offended, he/she needs to rethink asking at all.

    There are exceptions to every rule, and that's when someone who I know truly loves me says that.  Not everyone who gives me the "no offense" disclaimer is trying to hurt me, but most are.

  23. yes....because you are emphasising the fact that the comment you made (or are about to make) is offensive. Basically i see no point in saying it. If you say something and the person you are saying it to gets offended, just tell them "sorry, i didn't mean it in an offensive way" (unless you did mean it in an offensive way).

  24. No if there saying no offense there tryin to tell you take no offense to what there saying,dont take it to the heart,there not sayin it to be rude or mean..

  25. h**l yes i do! if they really meant no offense they wouldn't say it In the first place.

  26. "No offense, but you suck" Can be rude.

  27. nop.. thats the best word for you saying that you dont wanna hurtthere feelings or destroy wat they are saying

  28. its not eaven rude

  29. well when they say that just say "well no offense to you but i...." :) .

    but yeah its a bs way of saying "dont get mad" .but the "no offense" thing dosent work unless its sumone close to u and they mean only the BEST for you

  30. No offense , is warning that the person is going to say some thing that might hurt the person who he is talking to.It could be some thing for the person to think about ,so as to mend his ways for the better or some good advice .

  31. Not by itself, but usually what follows that phrase is rude.

    Kind of like "not to be blunt" usually means the person is about to be blunt.

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