
Do you think it is too hard to adopt?

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My mum and step dad, a few years back wanted to adopt a child but they could not because they had 3 children already. I do not think they would have allowed them to adopt anyways because they where not making that much money. ( I live in England)

I have heard some stories on tv, when women can't adopt in there own country for some reason. So they have to go to other countries to adopt.

Do you think there would be more adoptions, if adoptions where easier?

Or do you think adoption is easy already?

Or do you think there is nothing wrong with the way adoption is going?




  1. Honestly, I think it is too easy for people to adopt.  Adoptive parents need to be screened better and offered more education about how to be a good AP. When I adopted my son, NO ONE explained to me some of the issues he might have. I adopted through Foster Care and honestly, did not think he would want anything to do with his original parents. Why would he, they abused and neglected him.... At least that is what I thought at the time. I thought by adopting him and making us a "forever family" that I would be erasing all of the issues of his past. What I didn't realize is that those issues are what make him, him. I have learned so much since then, but unfortunately none of it was from the agency that approved our adoption.

    Also, If someone can't adopt form their own country then maybe there is a good reason.

  2. pffffft.  i WISH adoption were that hard.

    it's about as hard as buying a box of jell-o.

  3. As a person who would love to adopt  from the USA but can't because the costs and waiting time are too high and wrong, I think they are too hard. The problem is not a lot of people have $10,000+ dollars to adopt a child and your on a waiting list for 2+ years especially if your adopting a white child or a baby.  It seems to me that if your rich then you can breeze right on through the adoption process because you can pay off the adoption agency and lawyers to go to the front of the waiting list when all these other couples have been waiting for years.  But if you are poor or middle class then you have to wait a long time. Even if you adopt it still costs a lot of money depending on what country you are adopting from. Adoption is by no means easy.  It's only easy if your white and rich.

  4. It depends on how you look at it I guess.

    When I read about a child being abused or even worse, killed by their adoptive parents I always think "How did those people ever get to adopt?"

    In those cases apparently the social worker or adoption agency missed some big red flag.

    Then I read about children being abused or killed by their parents and I think that everyone should have to go through a home study and have background checks before conceiving cause right now any fool who can have s*x can make a baby.

  5. good question!

    as someone who plans on adopting, i sometimes wish it was easier. because, i know i will be ready & able to love my new family member. but, i think if it was too easy... some sketchy people might try to adopt... pedophiles, creeps... you know. i juist wish it was easy for the good people & harder for the not-so-good people... lol.

  6. The UK is one of the more difficult places to adopt from. They have stricter rules than most countries and are generally considered to be "anti-adoption". I have spoken with many anguished parents to be in Ireland and England that I really wish the process was made easier for.

    Here in the United States, the process is relatively easy. You do need to complete a homestudy but the rules are different by state and some people have an easier time of it then others.

    For this reason its hard for me to generalize that adoption is or is not easy. It reallly depends where you live and where you are adopting from.

  7. Yes, I think the rules are too hard. There are a lot of children crying themselves to sleep tonight wanting families. There are a lot of honest middle income families crying because they can't concieve and aren't considered wealthy enough to adopt. Why??

  8. its hard in south takes about a year to get the child and they go through a background check...coming to your house checking the temperature in the refrigerator and everything...but in counties like africa it takes only thirty days

  9. Adoption is a long difficult process for adoptive parents. But at the end there is a baby. I personally say send me some hoops to jump over, my babies are worth it.

  10. personaly i think they make it tooooo hard. they definetely need to make sure these children are going to wonderful loving homes, but often if you arent very high incomed you cant, and it doesnt take a high income to love or raise a child. if you make an average income, you have all the means to raise a child. a child doesnt required being spoiled with materials, but with love. and i think this is a mistake that is made. if they are able to support and provide, which everyone in this world does, high incomed or not, and they can love, then they are a good family. they do make it difficult. blessings

  11. I think adoption is too easy.  The process itself is long enough, for sure, but they don't teach adoptive parents enough.  At the very least, they should give a list of books to read that show what adoption REALLY is, from the adoptee's point of view.  

    I do think there would be more adoptions if the process were easier (and in the USA, if the price were lower), and that would be very unfortunate.  We already have far too many children being placed with strangers unnecessarily.  Adopting through foster care is FREE, and those are the children who actually need homes, not the brand new babies who's mom's would be great parents if only people would help them for a couple years while getting on their feet.

    Adoption should be about finding parents for children who need them, not babies for adults who want them.  It's too hard on children to be abandoned and have to wonder about that their entire lives.  It's not worth it unless it's absolutely necessary.

  12. There are plenty of problems within adoption.....however, the difficulty of adopting is not one of them. It took me one year to adopt our child...with one, below average income. It is difficult and long for those who are not yet prepared or for those who want very specific children (race, s*x, age, ability, etc). It 'cost' us absolutely nothing to adopt our child and our income was never a factor. Things like: room for the child, safety of the home, ability of the parents, stability of the relationship, etc...may make the process take longer b/c there are more factors involved, but it is all about finding the right family for a waiting 'waiting it out' is a good thing. Frankly, I would say that--from my experience--it was far too easy to adopt a child....and that a background check, one home visit, and some basic safety checks do not make anyone able to be a good parent. There are some who will say that no biological parent must adhere to the many rules of adoption, but the fact is, these children have already been through enough....they deserve a wonderful home and family....not yet another place of turmoil. I don't know about England's adoption laws, but in the US, it isn't the number of children you have that is a factor, but if you have the room and time to devote to another child.

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