
Do you think it is true that the first impression may be important but is probably wrong?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering...




  1. yes but no matter what you should

    always treat them with respect.

    you never know who your talking to.

  2. yup, a person is usually consistent in work and school...ok well maybe work...ok well my point is socially and emotionally a person is inconsistent. first impressions are an everyday basis, and are usually wrong if you assume that that is all the person is...but always right when saying that what you saw is a part of that person. if they were mad or sad or whatever, that is a part of that person. so it is important but usually wrong to assume that is all the person is.

  3. i don't believe in first impression, because the person could just be having 1 bad day.

  4. I fully agree with u. U can never judge a book by its cover, and all that glitters is not gold.  

  5. Not always.

    But....NEVER underestimate the importance of a first impression on SOME people.  If one of those people is someone you want in your life, then the first impression is the most important few minutes in your relationship.  Judgments are made, opinions are formed, and many times, no second chance is given.

    "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression!"

    That's a very true statement.  Many people feel they are very good judges of people and are sometimes very quick to make a decision about a person.  So, try to be yourself when you meet someone.  That's the person you want them to meet.

  6. Sometimes , yeah . first impression is important but communication is more important that first impression . Is just my opinion but some people might think first impression is more important .

  7. Ya! in some extent elizabeth

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