
Do you think it is unfair to send?

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2 Melbourne Storm players and 1 St. George player to the sin bin - Looks like A St. George Referee- do you agree?




  1. the ref had no idea

    melbourne will be premiers again

    st george in pink! ha ha

  2. It was poor sportmanship, that's why he was sent off. Can you imagine teaching some under-9 kids that it's okay to kick someone in the shins in a scrum if they annoy you? It just sends the game back to the bad old days where the dirtier players got away with eye-gouging and all sorts of other unsavoury acts.

    It sends a clear message that if you're going to play dirty go play somewhere else. The NRL has worked really hard to get that out of the game. Maybe these old fuddies who write in the papers can complain about because that's how the game was played in their era, but things have changed and they should accept that we have to encourage young kids to play the sport because they are the players and fans of the future.

    Can  you imagine telling a kid to come play rugby league so he can get kicked in the shins, punched in the head, and dumped on his head? No, the game is physically demanding and brutal enough as it is, we don't need cheap shots to make it more so.

  3. h**l no.. he sent that st. george player off.. that was harsh.. but he did tell them no more silly stuff.

    Storm Rock.. israel is the best!!

  4. send the whole dragons side off lol

  5. I think you are a drop kick.  Saints copped some rough penalties.  But congrats to storm, they are going to be tough to beat this year.

  6. No, melbourne should be removed from the competitiion altogether, because we do not need a team in melbourne but rather on the NSW Central Coast.  fox and news limited can still make money on the Central Coast,  It would be more because of more loyal supporters and a larger junior area.

  7. i think number 11 from st george should have been sent off too because he through a punch too.. This game has got out of control the referee hasnt got this undercontroll at all.. there have been so many mistakes both side that the referee hasnt picked up..

  8. I think we saw a referee who should have acted earlier. Perhaps we will see the sin bin used a bit more frequently.

    I dont think he was a fan of either club, actually I think during the remainder of the game he could have kept the time keepers at the Sin Bin far busier tan he did.

    And the send off...... what is disapointing for me is the look on the players face when he was sent off. How pathetic to try and look suprised after how he struck out with his foot.

  9. Yeh I agree with the last person, I think Slater should have been sent off instead of Riles, it just looked more vicious....but in saying that, I loved watching the biff!  I was almost nodding off and then pow it was all action!!  Great game...until storm started pulling away.

  10. No

  11. No, it looks like a little girly referee who thinks he is in control of girl scouts netball match. So there was a bit of pansy pushing, woopy do, the idea of this sport was for men to get their frustrations out in a sports match, when they aren't even allowed to give a little fairy kick then what do you expect is going to happen, eventually there will be all out brawls all the time, the ref should have left all players on the field and to say he looks like a ref, i think you were watching a different match

  12. No! Storm won, didn't they?

  13. Send the ref. to second grade this w/e will be the fair go..?

  14. yes but going off topic iam starting to think that these games are set up what happend to the old football were players had a job during the week and football on the weekend were players played footy becuse they liked it not becuse of the pay

  15. nope because ryles got sent off

  16. It was Soward and Ryles from the Dragons who got sent off so thats 2 for Dragons too.. It was the most stupidest thing I've seen, sending off a player for the game just for kicking the shin once or twice of the other player who kicked first and the ones who were punching heads in got 10 mins lol so dumb

  17. Maybe at the time it was, but Ryles call was a shocker

  18. are u a wanker or just acting it slater should have been sent off not sin bin, and ryles should have got a pat on the back for what he did and soward shouldnt have gotten up would have made the dog shot look worse

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