
Do you think it is weird to buy the best kitty food you can find to feed to a stray cat??

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We have a skinny, skinny stray that comes to our door and mews. My son (15 months) LOVES this kitty (really all animals), and the kitty lets him pet him and love on him. I want the kitty to gain a little weight because he is SOOOOO skinny, so I checked the labels on the cat food and bought the one with the most protein. Is that just weird, because it is just a stray?




  1. I like hearing there are other people in the world that actually give a d**n about strays. I do not think it is weird at all and I give you mad props for doing what you are doing. Seriously keep doing what you are doing. :)

  2. Just because a cat is stray doesn't make it less deserving of a healthy life than any other cat (or any other animal, really).  He still has the same kind of feelings and deserves to be loved, and malnutrition will make him suffer just like it would to any other animal.  Especially if he must be outside, he'll also need to be neutered and vaccinated.

  3. No, not at all..I think you are a caring soul.

    I have a little stray I am trying to gain her trust so I can capture her and get her vaccinated and spayed.  The quickest way to a kitty's heart is by food!  I feed her the same as I feed my indoor kitties--high protein, no grain canned food.  And she is happy to eat the flavors I try with them that they turn their cute little noses up at.  

    I don't have any little children and I don't let my indoor cats mingle with this outside kitten.  Just a thought, since this is a stray and your small child is handling it, it may be a good idea to capture it, have it checked by a vet, vaccinated, dewormed and neutered.  Then this little kitty will be all ready to move with you in October.

    Purrs to you, your son and kitty.

  4. That's not weird! That's nice of you! You're probably saving the little guys life

  5. No,it isn't weird,but not letting the cat in the house is.Why not let him get used to being in the house,so when you do move,it won't be so hard on the cat? Also,a cat door is a bad idea,as cats are much safer indoors,and other animals,like raccoons,can come in through the cat door.If you really want to help this cat,get him to a vet to be vaccinated,wormed and neutered and then keep him indoors - there is more to caring for a cat than feeding it well.

  6. No thats real good! Nice to know theres other poeple in the world that care for animals as I do. I recommend taking him in soon winters coming![depending on where your living its gonna get cold!].Check out  

  7. No, not at all.  Good for you!  Shows you care about all animals.  Why don't you just take him in already?!

    You could mention to your husband that in the mean time you could use your arm and open the door for the cat.

  8. Aside from giving this kitty good food, you should also take him to the vet to be evaluated and given his proper shots. He could be skinny due to illness or worms, and worms can be passed on to humans! This is especially concerning because you have a young child in contact with him.

    Nothing is wrong with feeding a cat (stray or otherwise) good quality food. I feed and care for roughly a dozen feral cats and feed them a good quality food (but not the best, can't afford it). Thankfully all of mine are fat and healthy with glossy coats and clear bright eyes. A little good care goes a long way with cats.

    Best of luck, and please consider making him an indoor only cat when you move. The lifespan of an indoor only cat is double that of an outdoor cat. Plus if he's outside he is walking through all kind of things and then bringing that home to your baby!

  9. You are doing the best thing for that cat and good for you!!!! It would be great if you could take that cat when you move but make sure it is stray just in case (sounds like it is). Good luck to you, you sound like good people.

  10. no and you are so nice much nicer than that guy that wanted to get rid of his girlfriends cat

  11. I had been feeding a stray all winter and into the summer. I fed her the same good quality cat food that I fed my other cats. She had a litter, and was preg. again. I had her spayed July 11, and she is now living in my house. I would feel bad not giving her the same advantage that I gave my other cats.  I think when you move it would be very nice to take her along,as your son is already attached (and vice versa) to him.And thanks for will be forever blessed!!!

  12. No that's not weird at all. The stray deserves the same food as any other cat. We feed the stray the same food that we feed my cats that live in the house. But if you feed the cat and then move and leave the cat there, he's probably not gonna have anywhere else to get food so why don't you take the cat with you when you move? If it's friendly and all, I would jump on the opportunity and save it's life. The stray that we feed is still scared of me. It's getting used to my mom but not so much that we can bring him/her in just yet. We are hoping to though! Good luck and I hope you will take the cat with you when you move! I think it's for the best.

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