
Do you think it is wrong that i throw my mother in law gift away?

by Guest55625  |  earlier

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she always give me the dumest and stupid gift for everything. i don;t use any of the c**p she give me.

i threw all the card she give me and my husband. all she does is sign her name at the bottom. and write nothing else, why bother if she not going to write anything on the card beside her friggin name.




  1. Your mother in law may sense that you feel she is dumb and rude.  She just may have  a very hard time working with you. I get wondrous things for my daughter in law, but, she always acts as if they were nothing. I have good taste, nice real jewelry, nice clothing, and I give her the same. Still, she treats each gift as though it were nothing. Ex: I gave her a complete set of nice, nice tanzanite earrings, ring, and pendant with chain. She acted as if it were nothing. I can't figure her out. (she wears jewelry). I buy her clothing that fits her and is her style...........never wears any of it.  My son can't please her with things, either. Think about this.

  2. i don't really think its wrong..

    maybe she knows already that you will throw it..

    because "haller" why does she need to waste her money just for giving that useless gift?!!

    maybe the gift that she gives deserves to be thrown away.

  3. Nope, it's not wrong at all. It sounds as though she put little thought in it, so why should you fawn over it?

  4. Yeah, if it's something that she bought, I do think it's wrong. However, you can always return it or exchange it for something else. Or you can sell it on eBay. As for the cards, everybody throws out cards after a certain period of time anyways...

  5. Question being, what would you do if your husband did the same thing with the gifts YOUR mother bought? You can 'assume' anything you want. But I'm sure on some level it does hurt his feelings. And considering you are sounding very hateful, I doubt he has the nerve or the endurance to bring it up to you. Sounds like you have no interest in making a relationship with her. But do you have to make his life miserable while your at it?

    I'm sure she has done things that are annoying. But I'm sure you have too. Keep in mind every relationship takes some compromising. So before you destroy the relationship of your husband and his mother, please try harder to work this out. Remember one day you may have a son, how do you want his wife to treat you? If you are so blatant to say her gifts are c**p, I'm sure you aren't hard to read that you don't much care for her. Be careful that you don't burn a bridge that you can't rebuild. She has feelings too. And even if she sends 'c**p and its dumb' is no reason to be hateful.  Try to imagine how torn your husband feels by the situation. Of course he will say 'your right honey' because he doesn't want to fight or upset you, he LIVES with you. Good luck. Hope it works out for your husbands sake and everyone else too.

  6. It's not wrong. Throw it away, and if she askes for it or something, then say that you have it put away somewhere.

  7. Even though she gets you things you don't like, you should still be touched that she went to the trouble...Remember the saying "Its the thought that counts"?

    My mom is the worst gift giver, but the fact that she went to the store with me in mind and spent what little money she has on ME is humbling and touching.

    From all appearances you feel strong contempt for the mother of your husband.  

    As for the cards- if she has purchased a card with a pre written sentiment in it, what else is she required to say?  We stand in the card aisle and find the one that says what we want it to say so that we don't HAVE to write anything in them.  That's how it works.  

    What would you like her to say to the  daughter in law that clearly dislikes her?

    We all need to give each other some lee-way-especially in families.  Forgiveness, acceptance, loyalty...

    Why don't you start the ball rolling by buying your mother in law a BLANK card and writing something lovely to her?

  8. Perhaps she knows there's no point giving you anything nice because you are so hostile you would despise it and throw it out anyway.

    Perhaps the reason she doesn't write anything other than her name is that although to be polite she has to send a card to her son's wife, she just can't bring herself to write "love" or "best wishes" to someone vicious and spiteful who she knows perfectly well hates her.

  9. Maybe she will be nicer when you learn to speak good English...

  10. I don't think it is wrong at all. Our daughter-in-law sends us the most horrible things. They look like she won them at a carnival. I toss everything into the garbage the minute I open it. I wish she wouldn't send anything at all.

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