
Do you think it is wrong to cage up alligators at fairs with no food and little water with very little space?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i went to the fair and they caught this HUGE alligator and you needed to pay a dollar to see it, and i did, it had no food and a puddle of water, it looked so sad!




  1. You say very little space, but how little of a space are we talking about? Did he have room to turn around? Did he have enough water to submerge? How hot was it? As long as it's not for a long time, alligators don't need a lot of room. Me and my father have done educational programs on Florida's reptiles for years and years and our first alligator had a 50 gallon pickle barrel that we transported him in until he got to be about 5 feet or so... as long as they've got room to turn around, that's what matters, and as long as it's not blazing hot, they don't need a lot of water, or even any. Now, if the gator's in conditions like this long-term, it's not good, don't get me wrong, but for display purposes, as long as he gets a good meal when he gets home, all is good. Keep in mind that an average wild alligator only eats about 50 times a year, so having him with no food isn't a big deal at all.

  2. Yes, it is wrong to do that because it isnt fair to the animals that are in the cage because they need large space to not be stressed other wise they will be really stressed.

  3. The small cage sucks. But they don't need constant food. I'm sure they had it on a feeding schedule.  

  4. ditto above

  5. It would be sad if they kept it that way for a long time.  They don't really need much space or food so it wouldn't really hurt if they kept it like that for a few weeks.

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