
Do you think it makes a difference that Sarah Palin has an infant to care for?

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this is just something I was thinking about after reading up on her a little bit, but she just had a baby in April of this year, born with down syndrome. now, i know that i would not take on any more stress or responsibility in my life if i had a child that was born with special needs. do you suppose she's thought about the amount of work and travel she will have to do, and how it will play a role in her parenting? or better yet, how her parenting will affect her ability to make responsible decisions for this country?




  1. NO

  2. evidently she thinks baby will be ok under care of others because there is no way she can take care of it whether she wins this election or not

  3. Since her nomination I have been reading up on her and I see a very formidable woman who, with some practical experience in national politics, could easily become a powerful element in the political arena. I do view her experience thus far as positive but have to acknowledge that state politics are different than at the national level because up there is the element of international policy.

    As good as she can be, the fact remains that it is McCain that will be the leader and not her.

  4. Thank god McCain hung himself on this one. He just lost any respect he had built up with this obvious ploy to try & get Hillary's voters to swing his way. HaHaHa what a loser!!

  5. She scares me, and so does the Republican party; If true it makes her even more unqualified. Is she the most qualified they have?

    If true it also shows a little crack of humanity in her little Stepford Wife heart.

    If elected  might she be distracted while unraveling oil drilling safeguards  while carrying out anti environment biddings as Bush? She is a pawn as right wing politics shoots it's last shot and she the best they have?

    No life is without complications but she has shown no executive abilities, no track record, not even any originality in her short political career.

    I don't care for her views, apparently, but the one fact that she opposes abortion under ANY circumstance lets me know her mind is made up and closed. This is a real and present danger

  6. Nope! this is 2008!!!! Down Syndrome children can have health issues at times, but that is not always the characteristics they are born with. They are usually easier children to raise then those that do not have special needs.

    I think have a special needs child will make Palin even more stronger in making decisions for this country!

  7. NO.

    Do you think it makes a difference that Dem. VP had a brain tumor........?

  8. No have you ever heard of a nanny. How many decisions will she have to make. I think she is more than capable of doing both.

  9. That will just get her sympathy votes because she didn't abort a baby with a severe problem. It shows that she will over-populate the earth and load up her gas-guzzling S.U.V. no matter what it takes.

  10. since when is the daily Kos considered a viable/credible news source.

  11. She thinks that the VP job is like that part time mayor's job she held or the job of running a backwater state of only 700,000 people like Alaska.

    She needs to be home caring for her baby. Children are not ASKED to be born and deserve a mother's loving care, NOT a nanny.

    Being VP is NOT a 5 day a week 8 hour a day job. AND I guarantee those Neo Con women don't use BC, she'll be prego again in short order.

  12. I heard that it wasn't her baby, rather, one of her daughters was pregnant and she lied to say it was her own to cover for her S****y daughter

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