
Do you think it right for me to get a puppy?

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I am 20. Enrolled in college but i have to take a semester off. I am a security guard. I work 8hr for 5days a week and i travel to philly frequently. Do you think I can get a puppy and give it TLC that it needs?




  1. No not really.

    I know you'd loved to have one,and do everything for it.

    But puppy's need constant training and looking after.

    Maybe an older dog.

    that is already trained???

    try a local shelter.

    never buy from a pet store or BYB.

    Save a dogs life.

    Good Luck


  2. It is usually 1 hour for each month of age, plus one hour, so a 2-month-old puppy can only be alone/hold its potty for 3 hours at the most.  If you get a puppy you will need someone else to help you care for it.  Since you are planning on traveling, you will need someone to care for the puppy when you are gone.  If you have a roommate or family memeber to help you, you might be able to do it.  It is a lot of stress and time to train a puppy, it might be better if you had a dog that was already trained.  A grown dog should be able to hold its potty for 8 hours.  You will still need someone to pet sit when you travel.  I guess this is a question you have to ask yourself.

  3. no way

  4. In my opinion.. no.  What's going to happen when you go back to college?  Wait until you're finished school and know what time you'll have year to year to care for a pup.  

  5. If you could take two months off to train your new puppy, then yes, it's possible to work the dog into your current schedule (although probably not your school schedule when you go back.)

    You may want to consider adopting an adult dog.  You'd have to look hard, but you can find well trained rescues.  However, you should think very carefully before getting a dog at all, because it will be tragic if your busy life forces you to give it up, or worse, leave it at home where it's neglected and starts developing bad habits.

  6. dogs are like children. they require you be there for them daily. so the answer to your question is no.  

  7. hi,

    Adopting a dog is a life-changing event--or should be. A dog needs lots of time and attention and you've got to be there every day to give it. So find out whether you're ready for a dog, or would be happier with a goldfish instead.

    hope this helps.

  8. I would say you should wait until you finish college because who is gonna look after your dog when your back in college???

  9. not at all. i would feel bad for the animal if  i couldnt give it all it needs

  10. Puppies need a lot of time, attention and training to ensure they grow up well socialized and with the appropriate behavior (i.e. urinating/defecating outside instead of in your apartment).  If anything, your lifestyle may be suited to an adult dog, but depending on the frequency of your travel, you may want to hold off a bit until you've got some more freedom.  If so, you can always volunteer at your local shelter to get your dog and puppy fix - they always need extra helping hands and walkers!  Check out these sites for more info:

  11. No.

  12. Of course not.  I am shocked that you would even consider it with your schedule.  How about a pet rat?  You might have time for a rat.

  13. Nope.

    Rescue a cat.  They are very smart, can play fetch and will greet you at the door.  They can also be litter box trained and fed with a timer so you can be away for a weekend and it will be fine alone.

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