
Do you think it should be against the law to drive noisy cars?

by  |  earlier

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It REALLY disturbs my peace to have to hear loud cars passing by my house. Some of these cars are so loud that they wake me up out of my sleep @ night. Plus, those kinds of cars make air pollution. I'm also talking about trucks, SUV's, vans, etc.




  1. There are DOT laws and local laws to control decibel levels from vehicle exhaust and even stereo systems. Enforcement is a different matter.

  2. It would never happen.

  3. We love our noise vehicles.

    It is a real concern, though, and so are other pollution factors involving cars.

  4. I agree.  I wish they would ban whatever it is that makes those low-riding cars sound like they're missing a muffler (it's always some greasy-looking 17 year old guy in them).  

    I also wish there was a way to make motorcycles quieter.  They're so fuel efficient, but I have ringing in my ears for hours after one goes by when I'm in the car with the windows down.

  5. Right after we do something about the people with loud Motorcycles, you know the ones who claim it's so "people can hear them and won't hit them". Oh seeing them isn't enough, but if you HEAR them you'll somehow notice them better.  

  6. ??

    It already IS illegal in many, if not most places.

    The problem is catching them and citing them.  

  7. I think in some places they can give tickets for a noise disturbance but there is no effective way to enforce such a law for the noise level on a car, but I agree it is annoying. And as for the air pollution I think that there should be a law that says when you buy a big truck then you need to prove you NEED that big truck. It is stupid that people pollute our environment just to feel like a big boy driving a big boy truck...

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