
Do you think it should be easier to adopt children in Canada so people don't go to other countries.?

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  1. No I don't. My life is a perfect example that it should be much harder. My aparents managed to pass through the home clearance, when had they had to go through a psycological exam they never would've passed.

    For 8 years (age of 3 when adopted, 11 when removed by child protection) they abused me physically & mentally. So I was raised for 7 years in the foster care system, on the tax payer dollar, when had it been harder it wouldve not only saved the $$ but it wouldve saved me a lot of pain & heartbreak, broken bones, and therapy.

  2. I can't speak for the Canadian process, but the international process is NOT easy.  Not only do you need your own country's approval to adopt, but you need the approval of another country as well.

    People who choose to adopt internationally aren't doing it because it's "easy", in any way, shape or form.

  3. All the people I know who chose the international process (in Canada) did so not because it was easier, but because it was quicker in the countries they chose to adopt from.  

    So maybe Canada should take a look at reforming their process so more Canadian children get adopted AS LONG as the children are still protected under the reform.

  4. I agree with the first answer.  I do not know about the Canadian adoption process, but international adoption is NOT easy-you have to meet not only the requirements of domestic adoption, but also requirements imposed by both your own country in order to bring a child into the country and the requirements of the foreign country you adopt from.

    The choice to adopt internationally is NOT one made because it is faster, easier, or less expensive.  Rather, it is usually a conviction in the adopting parents heart that their child is in that foreign country.

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