
Do you think it should be mandatory to have a contract before having s*x?

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This contract would state that both partners are having s*x of their own free will, and what exactly will happen in the case of an unplanned (or planned, for that matter) pregnancy (abortion, adoption, mother raises, father raises, child support). This way there would be no questions when it is too late.




  1. As silly as this sounds maybe yes.   Even if you don't have a written K you should know how anyone you have s*x with feels about each of those issues.    

  2. Yes, that would be a great idea.

  3. Can you see people carrying a contract around when they go out on the pull?

    Flannel underwear is sexier than this. It really is ludicrous..

  4. I think this is in defiance of natural order, but entirely in keeping with the advancement of modern Feminism in its attempt to employ artificial practices with respect to normal human sexuality.

    I think in the era of modern Feminism, there should be mandatory contracts which ensure that I still have a right to breathe (as a man) because I'm so confused by what modern Feminists want to legislate that I can't even function normally.

  5. No, I think there should be a contract so no rape charges are filled for what was actually consensual s*x, nothing else.  

  6. I doubt they would be enforceable anyway. People would state they signed under duress, kind of like prenups.

  7. It shouldn't be necessary to have a contract saying that both people will take responsibility for their actions. That should be taken for granted.  

  8. Yeah, I'm sure that would go over about as well as requesting a prenuptial agreements.

    "Hey, you don't mind signing this document that says if I knock you up, I can walk away from the relationship, leaving you a single mother to fend for yourself, with no financial responsibility do you ?"

  9. A contract is a silly notion.  

    However, I do think that people should have a mature discussion about birth control and  pregnancy  before they enter into a sexual relationship.

  10. It's a terrible idea, but it would benefit the thousands of men who are victims of false rape accusations every year.

  11. lol, yeah, in this day and age, its probably a good idea. problem is, lawyers would argue that they made up the contracts when they were drunk.

  12. There's a reason why Dave Chappelle did a comedy sketch about the "Love Contract"...the idea is funny, it's ludacris.

    When you're in the heat of the moment, no one wants to think about whipping out some sheet of paper and a pen and signing it.

    "Don't forget to read the fine lines, honey! But do it quick, I'm losing momentum FAST!"

  13. Nothing gets me hotter than binding agreements, oooh baby! I would hate to live in a world where this was a plausible idea.  

  14. A contract?  Absolutely not!  But personal feelings should be discussed on the matter prior to having s*x.  Well, I guess I have a verbal contract with my partners anyway, depending on how you look at it.  Before I have s*x with a new partner, I must know the results of their last STI screening and when that was.  I will gladly reveal the same.  And birth control should be discussed.  For example, my current partner and I have already discussed that I am on hormonal birth control and will continue to for the time being.  And while we have been together for over a year and technically are fluid-bonded, we will still use condoms for intercourse as an added precaution against an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.  And based on our talks, he knows that I won't have a child unless I'm in a long-term committed relationship with a man who wants a child.  I would have an abortion.  I went through an adoption more than 10 years ago and it was the hardest, most painful thing I have ever done.  I don't have the strength to repeat that.  My partner understands and respects my feelings and he would be supportive to me.  A contract isn't necessary, but an open, honest conversation about the subject is.

  15. If you need a contract to ensure that both partners live up to their responsibilities, then something tells me there's already trouble brewing.


  16. thats makes for some hot foreplay.

  17. There should be a clause in the contract for using Y!A that says stupid questions can't be posted. If somebody isn't having s*x out of free will it is rape.  

  18. Nice idea, but it'd be impossible to implement.  "Hang on, baby, we need to type something up and sign it real quick. . ." might kill the mood a bit too much for most people.

    You know there'd instantly be people claiming they were drunk, drugged, coerced, and what have you as well.  Some would actually be telling the truth, and some wouldn't -- and does being under the influence of something of your own free will (a whole other can of worms) count as an excuse?  The lawyers would be the ones who love you forever even if your partner didn't in the morning!

  19. Oh, yeah, that's hot. You'd think both partners would be well aware of these things before they jump on it.

  20. Who takes contracts seriously anyway, with all the legal loopholes? Take marriage, for instance, and bankruptcy. As long as folks get theirs, the contract is honored, but when they start getting a little unhappy, the "ripcords" get yanked.

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