
Do you think it was a cheap shot for Sergio Garcia to take a drop in the playoff?

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When Sergio hit the second bad shot on the same playoff hole with VJ and his ball was right in front of that tree it seemed he was stretching it to get that ruling on the ground conditions. Anyone else think he was a whiner cuz he can't close it out, like usual?




  1. When I saw what he was doing, I also thought he was exaggerating the situation because the gopher was quite far from his ball.  I thought he made a pretty big spectacle out of it.  In my opinion the way he stuck his hand in that hole and shook made it look like he was trying very hard to get a drop.

    On second look, he really did have a perfectly legit reason to get a drop.  Even Vijay said so after the round.  I just the way Sergio went about searching for the gopher made the drop looks worse than it was

    Yesterday was a case of Sergio getting run down by a Fijian freight train in the playoff.  The way Vijay played the 17th and 18th yesterday was incredible.  He hit some great shots there.

  2. If I were in the same situation I would have done the same thing provided my caddie told me that I could do it seeing as I would have never thought of it in the first place.

  3. No, players are able to use the rules to their advantage. I remember Tiger Woods getting a group of men to help him move a boulder out of his way in a tournament!

  4. doesn't amtter. vijay hit the green in 2 and birdied. Sergio was a long shot after his second, drop or no drop

  5. There are Rules in the game called golf which can favor or hinder a player. In a case where there was evidence of damage or upheaval by a burrowing animal, the rules specifically state a player is allowed relief. He may take a drop from the condition within one club length, no nearer to the hole and must take complete relief from the condition. There is no penalty for the drop according to Rule 25 - 1 b Relief. When you read and understand the rules you see there was no cheap shot as you inferred.

  6. Was his drop legal, (and Tigers use of 15 spectators to move a large rock)?  Yes.  

    Was it in the spirit of the game?  No.

    Remember when Darren Clark marked his ball in deep rough for a rain delay. He had no shot.  The next day he came out and the ball was moved to a better spot and he could of gone for the green but he punched out to the fairway hitting the shot he would of before the rain delay.

    Shame on Sergio and Tiger,  

  7. Sergio was entitled to take relief due to the abnormal ground condition caused by a burrowing animal. He was not stretching the rules as it was clear that the ground was abnormal as caused by a burrowed animal.  Slugger White was the walking official who made the ruling so if Sergio was stretching the rules, Slugger White would not have allowed him to take relief.  The rules of golf are sometimes there to help you and it is incumbent on a golfer to know the rules.  As a result of the ruling, Sergio was able to take a relief and drop the ball one club length from his nearest point of relief no closer to the hole, which in this case allowed him to drop in a spot where he was not obstructed by the tree.  To your other point, I didn't see Sergio whining, in fact he seemed quite gracious in defeat.

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