
Do you think it was a good idea for the NE Patriots to release John Lynch??

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Personally, I don't!!!!!




  1. Yes. He's getting old.

    Plus the already have:

    Harrison, Merriweather, and Sanders. They don't need Lynch in my opinion.

  2. Their expected to resign him in week 2.  If he was on the roster in week one they would have to pay him his full amount of money even if he got injured.

    And FJmaster Lynch was not a probowler last year...

  3. Dude is old and slow.....hes overrated....he needs to hang it up, i hear he pooped his pants in camp, thats why they cut him

  4. well i think they should have kept him just kuz hees a good safety... but i understand y they got rid of him... they already got a hard hitting crazy safety in roddney harrison... so they needed a faster and better at coverage safety... and john lynch just isnt one of those coverage safeties... but he is good and i think they should have kept him anyway... that just shows u how stupid the cheetriots are

  5. They're going to get him back within a week or two, there was some kind of discrpency with his contract that could be eliminated by releasing him before the first game of the year.  The article I read suggested that the Pats had every intention of picking him back up as soon as they could straighten out the paperwork.

  6. no it was not smart John Lynch is old but still good he was a pro bowler last year. A PRO BOWLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... It was really dumb to cut him. Especially when he only signed for 1.5 million. He wasn't asking for * million like strahan would of.

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