
Do you think it was fair or unfair?

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i don't know if some of you knew about Victoria Osteen's case she had a lawsuit on her and she won and that continental employee lost the case. do you think it was fair for her to win or lose the case?




  1. She had her day in court and it was decided. So I think it was fair. Apparently there were no witnesses to the alleged assault. It seems like at least one person would have seen it inside a crowded airplane. I have a feeling that this lady must have felt dissed or insulted somehow, and she knew she was rich, so she just went for it. I read that she was asking for 10 percent of her entire estate.  

  2. un fair.

  3. It was fair that she won the suit. I think the stewardess was trying to get rich on the Austeens, who ever heard of anybody getting hemroids from  getting a elbow in the ribs. what a joke, I could of thought of something better than that. lol ha, ha, ha,

  4. She was JUST out for the Money grab.

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