
Do you think it was fair that a woman told me that my twin sister is more responsbile than me because of this?

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1 lady said that my twin sister is more responsible than me b/c she can keep a job, & I can't. It was not my fault that during my Sr. Yr. in high school, the fast food (Popeye's) managers took advantage of me, misused me, cheated me out of my hours & pay, & sexually harrassed me because of my disability.

I told the lady that, & she said, "That's no excuse. Your sister has more sense than you."

I am more disabled than my twin sister. But I have a college degree, & she just barely made it through high school. She did finish high school though, but she thought she was too cool & gangsta to go to college.




  1. sound like to me u both are responsbile  - u sound like u work in the popeye's in bayplaza in the bronx

  2. She was way out of line making those sorts of judgements about you.

  3. the lady should mind her own business.  do not compare any siblings much less twins it always makes trouble.

  4. As a twin, I can tell you it's not good to compete with your twin, nor is it fair to be compared to her. Just tell the lady you are two different people!  

  5. It's not fair of people to compare you to your sister, period. Just because you were born the same day does not make you the same person. You are you, and she is not. Next time, don't make excuses or explain yourself. Just say, "Thank you for your opinion. It's so awesome that you care." She'll feel stupid and leave you alone.

  6. Can you get me some free Popeye's food?

  7. Just because you have a disability doesnt make you inferior. It was worng of the woman to say that

  8. well obviously none of us knows the entire situation, and i'm sure there's more to that ladies comment than an employment reference.  the fact that you have a college degree is impressive enough.  however, if you don't do anything with it, then it's worthless.  

    as for the Popeye's manager, you should have filed a law suit.

    perhaps the lady you mentioned, knows you better than anyone on here could.  maybe she has a grudge, or maybe there is some truth to it.  i personally think that if you didn't believe her to be correct on some level, you wouldn't be offended.

  9. How long has this lady known your family? Is she aware of your experiences at "Popeye's"?  What was her demeanor when she told you this? Was she trying to be helpful, or just mean?  There are a lot of facts that you don't tell us and without them there is just about no way to answer your question.

  10. The nerve of that woman.  It's not like your individual achievements have not been compare to that of your twin your entire life, but as an adult you still need to have the scrutiny of  you achievements against your twin.  The woman is evil to do such a thing.

  11. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeve. The woman was rude, but pointing it out is also rude. She can't possibly know what you've been through. She may have made the statement only to motivate you to get a job and hold it. I assume the sisters job was somewhere else, with different circumstances, or would the sister have put up with it? You seem to be bothered by the comparison. You called her too cool and gangsta. Does that bother you? Why? Do you consider yourself better than her because you have a degree? Use your degree and get a better job.  

  12. she sounds like the real loser

  13. You have a college degree and you're talking about losing a job when you were in high school?  If you haven't been able to hold a job down since then, you don't sound very responsible.  Having a degree is nice and all but only if you do something with it.

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