
Do you think it was irresponsible to let school children go to this country?

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  1. A skiing trip to france was the best my school had to offer!

  2. YES

  3. Not really--it makes a change that they were robbed--I would wager they have mugged plenty of kids themselves.

    Remember that in the UK you are rewarded for being a thug and causing trouble --thats how it works.

    thank you Labour for ruining the social fabric of this once great country.

  4. no. if they'd stayed in this county they probably would have ended up on a cold slab after being stabbed by some young glue sniffing hooligan. At least now they come to the UK with a story to tell and the realization that ol' blighty isn't that bad a place after all.

  5. I stopped reading at the grammer part -just scanned the rest

    Tbh its guna sound harsh but snobs live a life outside the norm -normal peeps would question what a countrys like b4 they go -rich peeps asume it will be a jolly spoofingly good trip - nieve people got what was coming to them maby now there be less trustworthty ect

  6. Do you know Plato, I have been all over the world, but South America has never held any interest for me.

    These countries are full of bandits of one sort or another and if you try to resist they WILL kill for a few dollars.

    The fact that they PAID to do volunteer work should have been welcomed, but the sheer number of thugs and thieves out there overwhelms those who are decent!

    Irresponsible? yes to the nth degree!

  7. No.

    The world is full of danger, and you can even find it on your doorstep. These pupils are not children they are SIXTEEN, and going to Venezuela is a major experience for them.

    It is unfortunate something bad happened, but they could just as easily have been robbed in London.

  8. no it certainly was not irresponsible. these people are almost adult.  and should be allowed to see the world. if parents and teachers continue to wrap kids in cotton wool i fear for their future. they will be unable to deal with real life.  

  9. No, you can get robbed anywhere it is not a crime exclusive to other countries.

  10. No i dont think it is, these kids were very unfortunate but they were also very lucky to be taken to such an interresting place on a month long expedition that most kids would never get that chance to go anywhere, there is a very good chance this will not happen again, therefore knee jerk reactions and stopping future trips to places like these re not called for, World Challange provide great opertunities for kids to travel all over the world

    We cannot wrap our kids up in cotton wool all the time as what seems to be happening in this increasing "nanny state"

  11. The same thing could have happened to them on a trip to Skeggy.

  12. No. It was an adventure. Their parents gave their permission so no it was not irresponsible. Thankfully nobody was hurt.

    Travel is travel, either you do or you dont. The kids have learnt something about other countries the fors and againsts and hopefully this has broadened their minds.

    They were 16 (they are not kids, they are young people and cannot be wrapped up in cotton wool).

    I hope before the robbery they saw some good aspects of the country.

  13. My daughter is entering secondary education in September and last September we had to ' go see' all the local schools in our borough.

    This School Trip thing seemed to be a badge of honour amongst schools and the more wild and wacky the better! I think its a bit nonsensical to offer kids trips to these places when half of them haven't even seen ( as Aurora says) London!

    I took my Mum to my daughters new school for an Arts Evening in July and there were all displays of the schools 'sister' schools in , for one , China. I thought I was going to have to get my Mum some gas and air...she gripped my elbow saying ' Sweet Jesus don't be sending her there she'd be distraught seeing what they do to dogs' lol!

  14. Nah, bad things happen, they had a choice

  15. I do think it was  irresponsonsible.  

  16. What?

    yes, terrible! We shouldn't let them out of the house, there are yobs and chavs about!! And banana peels strewn all over the pavement!!

    ok sarcasm aside, NO it wasn't irresponsible at all! You can't stunt someone's learning and growth simply because something might happen! Ok there are some countries that are a little dodgy to send a bunch of school children to, but Guatemala is not one of them.

    If you lock someone in a padded cell just in case they go insane, they will ultimately go insane.

  17. No. There's just as much risk of this happening anywhere.

  18. no, i dont agree at all. If we all hide because of what MIGHT happen, then man alive what boring lives we will lead.

    Im disappointed that they didnt want to stay and continue their volunteer work.

  19. Guatemala ??

    Why go there on a school trip?  Where next?   Columbia!!!!

    There are dozens and dozens of much more suitable places to go for educational purposes.  

    I find it hard to believe that kids today need to go so far away for educational reasons.

    What's wrong with Rome, Paris, Barcelona, or even good old London.

    This sounds a bit too adventurous by far, this school bit off a bit more than they could chew.  Lucky they all got away with their lives.!!!!

    Haz sees it how it is, some schools competing and ultimately putting kids at  risk.  Oh dear!!

  20. Yes because of the Basque terrorism threat  

  21. irresponsible no , just very stupid,

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