
Do you think it was right that a boy who mimicked a sneeze on David Cameroon should have just been cautioned?

by  |  earlier

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or was it just a bit of fun as some youngsters see it?




  1. ya

  2. No it was just a bit of harmless fun.

    What is the country coming to when he is cautioned yet there is to be no inquiry into M.P.'s expenses on their second homes?

  3. 7 Answers so far none seemingly thinking that the 15 year old was out of order mostly on the basis that it was David Cameron So where we are is that moral equivalence and non judgementalism is available to excuse any action.In a civilsed society where everybody was treated with respect including (OMG !!) Tory leaders only very naughty 7 year olds would even think of this kind of stunt.Even then he would think twice in case his granny found out never mind a PCSO.

  4. Nah - DC didn't seem to be too bothered.  On the other hand, the wee tosser could've had a knife in his mitt!

  5. lmao i think people need to chill out that man is nobody special

    he PRETENDED to sneeze its not like he shot him

    geeee the police need to go and caution real offenders

    this worldd ayyy

    haha xoxox

  6. That is so pathetic, if David Cameron didn't want to be 'sneezed on' he shouldn't be such a prat.

    That is so precious.

  7. if he does not aprove of cameron then he is right to express it,what he did was tame compared to when tony blair visited my uni...he got egged and it was an ex friend of mine who did it. This person did not get cautioned and its uneven treatment that this 15 yr old was cautioned. This is a free country or it is in theory anyway, and if we repress things like that then we are just becoming n***s. Its not as if mr cameron had any snot on him....just a mimicked sneeze. This boy was just expressing his political opinion and its great that he has one....too many young ppl like myself dont have an opinion and dont know enought to  be able to form one. Its a disgrace that he got cautioned in my view, he should be free to express the political disgust he cameron has displeased a lot of people and this is just one way of expressing it....its punish this boy is like saying hes not free to disagree with authority....and in a democratic country like us, that is not right and it is not part of the very basis of the democratic ideology on which parliament is formed.

  8. God no he should have been publicly flogged.

    For not sneezing properly and doing it for real.........

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