
Do you think it was smart of Palin to bring up being a hockey mom in America?

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this isn't one here likes hockey..doesn't this just show how out of touch she is? She's been living out there in the middle of know where too long. I wouldn't exactly go out and brag about my husband being a snow mobile driver either..a a time when most people are struggling to pay for gas.

to tells me how out of it she is.




  1. Nothing wrong with it at all.

    Out of it? Have you ever heard of the Stanley Cup?

    Desperation is glaring in these posts.

  2. Your reaching.  I'm very happy our VP candidate is making you squirm!

  3. umm people LOVE hockey where i'm from! hockey is the biggest sport at the high schools in my city.  

  4. Is that what she said? wow..she's out of it. No one watches hockey in the states..oh wait..yes they do all 50 of them.

    Its a sad case she has. The men who run the republican party only picked her because she looks cool..she's a man's fantasy a women with a gun and she's pretty..but yet they forgot that most women don't support gun rights and that most women dont' support taking away roe vs wade and that most women DON'T RELATE to a gun carrying "hockey" mom. They picked Palin because she APPEALS to the men but they MEANT to use her as a tool to get women.

    it went backwards

  5. Hockey is a tougher kind of sport than soccer.  She meant to show how tough she was.

    At least she doesn't go wind surfing.

  6. hockey is a big deal in some sections of some battleground states. The concept translates to other sports in the minds of all people who have and have had kids.

    snowmobiling is major in areas of some battleground states.  Again the concept translates to areas without snow where people have 4-wheelers or go-carts.

    Snowmobiles aren't a luxury in some areas. Plus some people save up for them because they consider them wonderful family recreation. It has nothing to do with the "price of gas."

    Some people in fancy liberal San Francisco would think nothing of buying their kids expensive bikes.  Same deal, different vehicles.

    Her husband won a VERY prestigious race.

    Middle America doesn't give a c**p about the Tour de France

    YOU don't get it.

    you are likely out of touch.

    Many elitist Democrats are.

    That is why they are totally missing the POINT of Sarah Palin.

    She doesn't live  "out there in the middle of nowhere."

    She lives in the middle of all the ELECTORAL VOTES.

    Sarah Palin is a Secret Weapon.

  7. The media was reporting outside the convention, and I saw a woman with a banner that read "I support single moms" - obviously supporting Palin's daughter.

    I then looked over at my friend and started cracking up, because he was wearing a shirt that said the same thing - except it had a pole dancer on it.

    Just thought I'd share the humor.  

  8. greta shes a hockey mom,and what does that say to soccer moms or little league moms,how about the fact she voted for money wasting proposals,or that alaska is not a whole country,she doesnt even have a passport,so wheres her real world expeirience,thanks to the moron in charge know,our new goverment has a lot of international fixing to do and this women has no expirience outside in the normal world,as for her being a women i dont see why that matters,women can do the job men can  

  9. Palin needs to get her act together I know I should not be saying this but her daughter being pregnant does affect my decision. can these republicans not control their daughters Bush  now Palin thank god for Chelsea

  10. If you are stupid enough to fall for that then maybe you shouldn't vote. Ya know?  

  11. Don't matter WHAT she does. She's gonna LOOSE!

  12. Ever been to a Blues game? Redwings? Blackhawks game?

  13. hey i like hockey

    but palin is an idiot anyways

  14. You are delusional. Many people in the Northern states play Hockey. What sports do you expect kids to play in Alaska? And racing snow machines is a very blue collar sport. Tells me how out of it you are to ask such a ridiculous question.

  15. it was absolutly brilliant ..."the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?...lipstick" (i'm paraphrasing) tells me that she is one tough candidate..i'm impressed!


  17. Thank you!!! I was screaming at the TV last night.  And was it just me, or did you have the urge to say "Eh" at the end of everyone of her sentences?  Not only isnt she an "all American mom" but shes barely an american mom.  Canadian maybe......

  18. lol.  I think that she is trying to prove (a little too hard) that she is "just one of us".  I just hope that if anyone starts to buy in to it, they remember that people said that Bush was the candidate they would most like to have a beer with.  Look were that got us.

  19. I thought it was fine, considering her geographical location, that's all she had to work with. I believe "soccer" Moms could identify too.  

  20. Hocky mom is universal meaning soccer mon, baseball mom, football mom, ect.  

  21. Disgrace for VP candidate - for sure.

  22. They hockey mom bit is just a ploy to seem more like a typical mom and get more women voters. If as governor, she has time to take her kids to their sporting events, then she's probably not doing her job. It's not a typical 9 to 5.

  23. People outside of high concentrations of homosexuals like east and west coast cities actually like sports, yes.

    LOL, the left is reduced to making fun of HOCKEY?

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