
Do you think it was terrible that Prince Charles said in an interview that he never loved Diana?

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Even if he felt that way should he have said that since he has two children by her?




  1. No, i dont think this is terrible because the younger one is not his son anyway... go to google images and type in "Harrys father hewitt" that may give you some clues as to why Charles did not love Diana.

    At least Charles was being completely honest about the situation. Being in the public eye, with your every move and every word under scutiny must be tough.

  2. No, I think that it was terrible that he wasn't allowed to marry Camila in the first place.

  3. I think the 2 interviews given by Charles and Diana were incredibly selfish and thoughtless to their 2 school aged children.  Somethings are meant to be private especially when your children are going to be embarrassed by your mistakes.

  4. Not that she or he are of any relevance but if he is bein honest i cant see anything wrong with that.I know a few couples with children who do not love each other but only stay together because of their kids

  5. He was being honest and I am sure that he talked with his sons about it before he "put it out there".

  6. William and Harry are grown up now, so they should be able to cope with this.

    I think Charles was put under some pressure to get married when he did to the proper sort, but did not figure on Diana standing up for herself and having the courage to fight her corner.

  7. maybe he was paid to say that

  8. yes it was very much terrible

    if he never loved her,so why he married with him?

  9. Its harsh because she was the mother of his two sons but he was being honest.

  10. No it is not terrible, this was a marriage he was pushed into by his father. It was never going to work. He was just expected to produce an heir and a spare. I also agree with a previous answer that Harry is Hewitt's son. He really looks like him.

  11. yes i do. thats mean to say.

  12. I am constantly surprised at the lack of common decency and good manners in anything to do with the much exploited life of Princess Diana.

    Why anyone would ask such a question and why Prince Charles would answer it is beyond me.

    The only possible reply, imo is 'That is none of your business'.

    Oh well, I guess the travelling carnival that was that poor women's life will continue to roll merrily along.

    At least tv execs can still make a buck out of her, even if she's long gone.

  13. I live in the U.S. and it was quite plain to see from the git go that he never really loved her. It was an arranged marriage for political reasons.   At least he is now being honest. I'm sure she knew.  She was a very smart lady and is missed. I'm sure the boys figured this out long ago.

  14. I think he was honest.

    I'm not sure of the point in airing the dirty laundry now though.

    I'm sure the kids are well aware of the problems that were between their parents.

  15. The royals are notoriously closed-mouth on their personal lives, so I'm astonished that Prince Charles would a) be willing to discuss it and b) admit it.  I remember that interview just before Chuck & Di were married, when asked if they were "in love" and he shrugged and said, "Whatever 'love' is", and thinking, "Oh, jeez . . . poor girl."  I wish she had had enough guts to back out of the engagement when it was apparent he was still carrying on with Camilla, whether or not "her face was already on the tea towels" (as her sister commented).  But at romantic 19, that's an impossible call -- you still think you can "change" the other person.  But if she had, then we would not have had the Diana Phenomenon -- would that be a good thing or a bad thing?  Certainly, she would still be alive today, probably married to some nice viscount with a country house and a flat in town.

  16. Anyone could see that he was not in love with her. Much as I don't like him, I appreciate his honesty.

  17. The entire marriage was a terrible tragedy for everyone involved.

  18. I think that was an honest statement.  I knew, way back when Charles and Diana made the announcement of their engagement that he did not love her.

    Back then, the interviewer had asked if they loved each other .  They both said yes, and Charles added "Whatever that means."  

    Since I've experienced love, and so I know that if you love, you know it, beyond doubt. Charles did not know, so he didn't love.

    His sons are grown now, and I doubt that this bothered them very much. They're aware what arranged marriages are about.

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