
Do you think it was wrong for the policeman to lecture Peter Andre for 20 mins. about using music headphones?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think he just did it because Andre is a famous pop singer and that he had nothing better to do.

Andre was quite irritated




  1. Most people listen to music when they are driving.  Stop mobile phone users.

  2. They would do better to stop all the drivers using their handheld mobiles whilst driving!

  3. Driving with headphones is wrong, no matter how much talent one has.

  4. i think the copper was a tw*t. just did it to make himself look big when in fact all it did do was make him (copper) look an idiot and a jobsworth.

  5. Since he was driving at the time, then the officer was correct to tell him off for listening to music thru headphones, as his full attention was not on his driving. He could have killed someone! If Andre was irritated by the telling off, then thats a good thing, as the message has obviously got thru. I often think that celebrities get off more lightly than members of the general public when theyre caught committing a criminal or dangerous act, so well done to the officer for being strong and not allowing himself to be swayed by Andre's celebrity!!

    One more thing - if you have children then try and imagine how youd feel if one of them was knocked down and possibly killed by a celebrity who chose to break the law. youd be angry, wouldnt you?And youd want to see the person who took away your child punished for it, wouldnt you? Thats all the officer who told Peter off was doing - trying to get him to imagine that scenario.

    The one thing that bothers me is that he was neither arrested nor fined - I think this sends out the message that if youre famous you can get away with anything - who knows, maybe someone who isnt as "famous" will try it and get a more serious punishment, then try to claim he should only get a reprimand, since Peter Andre only received that when he was stopped!! Theres always someone out there whos dumb enought to try it!

  6. he should not have been listening to the ipod,  what a tosser, and then to get irritated with the copper, just shows how childish he is.

    I note from your question, you describe andre as a famous pop singer, hes only famous for bumbing uglies with that silly silicone breasted woman. he was briefly famous about 15 years ago in his own right for being a creepy looking shaven chested bloke with impressive stomach muscles who sang about a mysterious girl.

    Andre has a number of criminal records, you can find them in the 10p bin in the oxfam shop.

  7. You failed to mention he was driving at the time! Of course it's wrong of him to drive and listen to an iPod.

  8. Headphones, No.  The Police should bust his a** if he goes near a MICROPHONE though.

  9. No, Andre is a whally and should set a better example, good on the copper.

  10. It's dangerous to drive with earphones in, you can't hear other road users well enough, fair cop I'd say.

  11. What the h**l took 20 minutes to say that he could've said in 5 minutes.If it's an offence fair enough but the policeman was wasting time playing power games milking it that much.I agree with goldilocks, petrol heads with their sound systems wouldn't hear a bomb go off.Why do they get off with it?

  12. Peter Andre was wrong and will remain wrong. He can't go around thinking that because he is a pop singer safety rules don't apply to him. P. Andre should not think of himself as being above the law.

  13. Quite right. Andre needs a kick up the jacksie. It doesn't matter why the cop did it. Andre should have known better - and now he does.

  14. I dont see how playing his ipod through headphones is any different in being able to hear traffic noise as the boy racers who play their steroes really loud,i'm not sure if its against the law but a 20 min lecture seems a bit much to me.

  15. it is against the law to use handheld mobiles, but ur allowed to use handsfree kits (in the uk) most handsfree kits and bluetooth devices go in the ear, so why not headphones? also if the sound would distirb sum1 hearing the road noises then cd players and the radio would do the same thing, and therefore anyone with one on, who is listening to it is not paying attention, and they should be banned too.

    i think it was complete rubbish. the cop just wanted the publicity.

  16. Good on the copper. Cant he afford a top of the range sound system. He is a Pratt and should set an example.  But mind you he could have been doing his green bit to stop noise pollution. BOOM BOOM BANG BANG BOOM.

  17. famous pop singer? so that means he was probably listening to c**p because he makes crappy music. I would have tazored him and arrested his ***

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