
Do you think it wiil happen in 2008 ?

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in 2012 a small dwarf star planet named planet x will flyby earth causing storms, boiling seas, and solar lightings for about three months. Some say it wont happen and some say it will what do you say? will it happen or not ?




  1. pretty sure that wont happen, theres all kinds of theorys about the world ending in 2012 this one guy form like 3000 years ago predicted in 2012 the world will end and the predicted 9-11 and the civil war too soooo idk bout that, but also there is a meteor circling the earth that gets closer every year so who knows, i kinda doubt it but hey anything can happen rite?

  2. If any dwarf star or planet were going to pass us in 2012 it would be close enough to be visible by now. It isn't visible because it doesn't exist. Those who say it does exist are entirely unable to tell us where to look for it.

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