
Do you think it will ever be acceptable to see a woman topless in public in the same fashion as men today?

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rememebr how like 150 years ago it wasnt acceptable to have a man shirtless either? do u think our society will ever let women go the same way as men?




  1. It will ALWAYS be acceptable to me.  

  2. honestly, no.  due mainly to the fact that people in our society have been brainwashed to think that body parts that we all have should not be exposed to the world.  which  is fine except that we all have the same parts (males all have penises and women all have vaginas) all humans have b*****s.  There are nudist colonies where its already acceptable to walk around naked but in our world, the only places people will always find it acceptable are nude beaches and in your house

  3. Well, if you say "ever" I would probably say yes.  Of course it's already acceptable in some places (europe, for example) and I think sooner or later it will become more accepted.

    I'm a guy who goes without a shirt a lot and, in my opinion, a woman should have the same right to go topless that a man does.  Seems the ladies are being held to a different standard just because their b*****s are beautiful.

    I think it will take some time, but hopefully we'll get there.

  4. No.  It will never be acceptable to see the sexual breast of a woman bare in public.

  5. its acceptable in p**n movies

    and nah i dnt think so and i hope npt cuz some women have nazztyy b*****s urgh

  6. It's quite acceptable on all beaches, pools,saunas and on TV overseas. I live in Australia nobody stares or cares, it's quite natural. When you have grown up all your life seeing it, you really never notice it, or if a woman feeds her child. There is a certain point where you shouldn't walk around topless like in town etc. At the beach, pool, or sauna its fine.

  7. i highly doubt it

    its just different

    one of those double standards again...its a good one though

  8. If it does happen might begin in Europe first. America would not allow it.

  9. LOL my mother was discreetly breastfeeding my little brother in the British museum and was asked to leave.

    She had a blanket over her shoulder... and the display right behind us was photos and models of pygmy women in native dress, topless.

    Go figure. The person hustled us off to a private office, we couldnt sit on the bench in front of topless displays while her boob was being used as intended.

  10. Never as long as little people have little minds.

    Because of the puritanical attitude of modern mankind semi or full nudity will never be accepted in public. There are too many that only see sexual aspects when viewing nudity. It is the way we were taught as children.

    But there are many I would never want to see in an undressed mode.

  11. hopefully

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