
Do you think it will ever become the norm that people don't have children?

by  |  earlier

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And the rarity that they have them?




  1. Nope. The desire for children is a pretty natural one.

    (Back when birth control first began to become available, some people objected, saying that if women were given the choice, they would never HAVE children.  This has obviously not happened.  Reliable birth control is very widely available, and most people opt to have children. (And the number of desparate messages from women on th TTC board shows that plenty of women very MUCH want children, and will go to enormous lengths to have them.)

  2. I think at sometime it will happen I hope it will not happen in my lifetime. If it does I will cry...

  3. I dont think so, people are now having less children than in the past, now people have at most 3, and the most popular its to have 1, but they still have them, I know also theres more people who choose not to have babies, but i dont think they will be the majority in the future. and also we have to consider that even when people dont want to have babies sometimes they get pregnant and decide to have the baby...

  4. no, accidents happen and people act too much on impulse and passion....that is how most babies are made anyways...married or unmarried, young or old...or in between :)

  5. Childen are there to be had no matter what so i do not think such a time would ever come to pass.

  6. No there will always be those drunkin nights. LOL. Seriously that is how I conceived my son.

  7. I will cry if that ever happens

    Marriage was created to make children.

  8. I personally think its perfectly normal for people to never have children. I don't want them. They have my respect.

    We already have over 6 billion of the world population.

  9. No, we are here to mate and recreate. It is physically something we do.

  10. Marriage wasn't created to make children.

    Making children was around long before marriage was even considered.

    And no, I doubt it will happen. Why would all of humanity decide it was best not to continue the species?

  11. A rarity? Hopefully not. That would mean we would be in a serious population crisis.

    But I do hope it becomes an acceptable decision. I'm child-free, and it would be nice if that wasn't considered such a anomaly.

    To those who say "marriage is for having children": I do NOT agree. I am a Christian and see nothing wrong with a married couple deciding together that they don't want to have children. I do believe that a strong marriage is needed BEFORE bringing children into the family. But I don't think that having children is a necessary outcome of a marriage. You can have a happy, loving marriage that glorifies God- even without children.

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