
Do you think it will hurt if i get a tattoo on my lower stomach?

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I'm thinking of getting a nautical star or known as a skater star on my lower stomach and I'm wondering if it will hurt alot...




  1. i donthave one personally.. but i have 5 friends that have tattoos there.. and they said it didnt hurt AT ALL.. that they were just scared from the nerves.. but once they started getting it.. they didnt even feel it.. only one of themm said it hurt cause she got it reallly really low.. on the side .. like on her hip bone.. and thats why it hrut.

  2. It didn't hurt me at all and I'm a girl.  

  3. I have one there.  It's not too bad.  Worse than an arm, but no where near as bad as the back.

    Tattoos in general kinda feel uncomfortable for a few minutes, then like a cat scratching a sunburn for a few more minutes, then you just sorta

    Do keep in mind getting pregnant...if it's low enough it shouldn't matter, or if it's over to the side enough.  Mine stretched a little but went back.  But I didn't gain much weight with my pregnancies.

  4. keep in mind. if yo ever get prego then well that tattoo is going to STRETCH out a lot and look very nasty... id think twice before i do something permant like that to my body. what happens when your 90 years old and all wrinkley and you have an ancient skater star on your stomache and your grandkid wants to know why you got a tattoo? huh? huh? huh? O_o

  5. Give your arm a bit of a pinch with your fingernails and then do the same to your lower stomach. The difference is what you would feel putting it on somewhere more sensitive than a less sensitive area. It won't feel good but the shading part shouldn't bee too bad once you get pass the outlining.

  6. it's a tattoo, its gonna hurt anywhere. it depends on your pain tolerance...

  7. I think where ever you get a tatto its going to hurt! But I dont think it will hurt as much as getting it on you ankle or knuckles! Lol

    Lexi <3333

  8. What hurts to one person, might not even bother the next. Assuming since its a needle, its going to hurt some what.It all depends on you and what you can and can't take.

  9. My boyfriend got one that stretched across his entire lower stomach. He didn't even flinch.  

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