
Do you think it will work????

by  |  earlier

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Theres this boy, and hes a year older than me. Ive known him for quite a while and we have become best mates, nothing comes between us. Ive recently fallen in love with him, and he has me to. Were probably going to go out soon, and i was wondering if you all thought it might work??

Anythings welcome :)




  1. It seems as though you both are in love with each other.It is great to find someone you love that loves you also. you are very lucky. I don't see any reason why it would be anything but a great relationship.Enjoy!

  2. probably if you really LOVE each other. Good Luck!!

  3. If you are 12 and 13 probably not

    17 & 18   who at it.

  4. Yeah (8) lOvE iS iN tHe AiR x

    Ask him about his love life.. that always works with me.

    They open up then spill that they like you then you should do that sweet cute voice "I've Always liked you" ;) works a treat n there's a snogathong after x

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