
Do you think it would be a good idea?...?

by  |  earlier

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To stop manufacturers using "excessive" packaging of their goods?...every thing you buy no-a-days has layers of cardboard,plastic,expanded foam and whatever!...and i'm getting fed up with having to take out my garbage everyday!...surely this isnt necessary in our new 'greener' society is it?...




  1. One person can only do so much. That's why I recycle my items through "One Man's Trash could be another's Treasure!

  2. I completely agree. But when you ask its always said that it keeps the product safe, when in all reality it is just used to make the product look better. Kinda like a bag of chips; you see a bag of chips in the store. The bag looks big and you think you can’t beat that for that price so you buy it, but when get home and open it about a ¼ to a ½ of it is filled with air. I think that all the excessive packaging is just misleading and hurting the environment…

  3. Another good point would be for the courts to start requiring people to have common sense. That way we can eliminate user manual and warning cards and labels for coffee cups.

    Come on, who can't figure out that using an electric waffle iron in the bathtub is a bad idea ?

    How many trees would be saves, not to mention toxic inks to print this stupidity.

  4. When I buy large items they aways come in a box that's 4x bigger then it needs to be ....and then full of polystyrene bits too.

    I'm buying a new car next week ..........shudder.!!!

  5. Decide what is unnecessary packaging. Packaging protects goods in transit. According to World Health Organisation countries which do not have modern methods for storage, packaging and distribution of food between one third and half gets wasted.

    We need packaging minimisation. For worst overpackaging look to luxury goods like watches, pens, cosmetics and perfume. Here they are trying to sell a dream rather than the item itself.

  6. I couldn't agree more!  Why do we have all of these excess packages?  I'm sure some of it has to do with ensuring that the package arrives without damage at the retail center, and some can surely be attributed to marketing.  

    This is all indicative of "business as usual" practices.  Regardless of your politics, I feel that its necessary to lobby for greener business practices for all businesses, importing and exporting.  The US is arguably the largest consumer of "stuff" in the world.  If we demand that state-side industry abide by greener practices of merchandise delivery, then it wouldn't take too long (I would hope) for the trickle-down effect to cross borders and oceans.

    Buy Local!

    My fiance and I are trying to reduce our overall use of packaging in general among other things.  Check us out:


  7. That is majorly annoying!  I was told that the reason they do it is to make it harder for people to open the packages in the store and steal the product.  There has to be a better way though!  It takes ten minutes to open a toy package for my son!

  8. Yes, there is definately "excessive packaging" of some products.  There is also such a thing as "excessive purchasing!"

    Why are you buying so many new products that you need to take the trash out every day?

    We take the trash out about once a week.  We take the trash to the dump about once every 6-8 weeks.  We just don't produce enough to justify going to the dump more often than that.

    Shop some thrift, or second hand stores.  Make due with items you already have.  

    If most of this trash is being generated by your food, then the food you are eating is too highly processed.  Learn to cook more from scratch.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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