
Do you think it would be awkward to talk to my professor about this?

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I have this professor who just seems like a really smart guy... not just in the subject he teaches (Biology), but more just in life. He always gives reasons for what he does and seems to just be leading a well thought out life. I am graduating and really confused about what I should do and how I should live. I would really like to know what he thinks about a couple of philosophical issues that are in no way related to what he teaches. Do you think it would be inappropriate to ask him about these things? I'm also a female, and he's a fairly young male teacher. How weird do you think he would find this?




  1. deffo ask.

    Real teachers do not stay in classrooms, he would love to know that he inspires trust and that he can help beyond classrooms, real life questions. Forget about the possible sexual tension, keep things "professional".

    I am a teacher and its a good feeling when students want to know your opinion. Besides, when I was in uni, I made great friends (teachers) by approaching them and ask them further questions, I learnt so much!, they are people who I admire, have helped me a lot and changed my mentality, they are my buddies!

    so with my experience I say go gal!

  2. Actually i had sort of the same situation happen to me before i graduated, and you`ll be surprised at how well teachers specially the younger ones relate to you. I say go ahead and ask him for advice you know? after all its not like your asking him out or anything.. i mean why would he find this weird?

  3. Me thinks that you have a crush on this Professor.  Am I right?  And, that you are trying to find an excuse to get closer but not be so obvious?  That's what I'm getting from what you've written.

    Tell he cute, too?

  4. You could ask the questions over email to reduce the awkwardness.

  5. Ask him--that's what professors are for, to teach and advise.  There's no harm in that at all.-

  6. That's part of college.

    Don't make it a romantic relationship, but they're supposed to be your mentors.  I'm happy you found someone you can trust and look up to.

  7. I teach and advise and get this ALL THE TIME. He'll know to be nice and keep a professional distance. I do.

    I love speaking with students about their futures -- yeah, 90% who approach are women, but that may just be that women are more comfortable talking with men who are (slightly) older. There may be mild flirtation there occasionally, but in all my years, I've never taken advantage of a student's vulnerability.

    I doubt this guy will, so go ahead and ask away. That's what college is about -- asking questions.

  8. i would ,, he seems like a cool professor,,

    he prob could help

  9. It's not inappropriate to ask questions to someone who's life you admire and wish to emulate. That's very smart on your part. Shows real maturity.

    May I suggest, for his and your protection, to have another senior member present at the time you speak to him away from class (i.e., his wife, another teacher, etc.). E-mail is nice, but without being able to look someone in the eye, your words could be accidentally misconstrued if worded "wrong". Don't want to make his wife or girlfriend worry. Not that you would intentionally do anything wrong, but I think you get my drift. Sometimes things get out of hand when that wasn't your intent at all.

    Just an older woman trying to protect your reputation and your teacher's reputation as well.

    Best wishes! :o)

  10. a mentor for life is good!  there is nothing wrong about picking his brain !  just don't go in with a little black dress or dressed to top notch !  that would make it akward!

    just talk to him and tell him how you need a bit of direction and how you admire his direction in life and would like some advice!

  11. I think it will be fine

  12. He sounds like a great professor.  Just ask for an appointment and when you get there, tell him what you told us here.  Tell him that you admire his maturity and confidence and that you'd like to foster those qualities in yourself, but aren't sure where to start.  

    Most likely, he won't give you THE answers, but will give you the confidence to find your own answers.  

    I think he will be flattered, and as long as you keep it professional, he won't feel weird about it.

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