
Do you think it would be good if we could go online & track how much electricity, water, etc that we're using?

by  |  earlier

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Say, if our energy company offered that feature, & we could just type in our acct. # & track how much gas, electricity, water, etc. that we're using, & also the total price of that energy used. Do you think that would be beneficial? It would be similar to checking how much $$ you have in your saving/checking account in the bank.

*& then, we wouldn't have to be worried about not being able to afford the bill. & also, we'd be saving energy on the environment, as well.




  1. While that's a great idea conceptually, think about how it might be executed and you will realize it would cost a TON of money. Right now, the only place your utility usage is recorded is on your meter, AT YOUR HOME. That's why both PG&E and the water company have to send those people around every so often to rummage in the shrubbery and read your meter.

    To change the system so that your usage was monitored in a central location would be mindbogglingly expensive, right?

    Anyway, that other answer was good, that you can already DO this. Your meter is there somewhere where you live. It will take a bit of figuring to learn to read it and correlate that to the cost of the electricity, but you sound interested enough to put the effort into this.

    The water meters are harder. They are usually in the ground, and you have to move a cement lid from the enclosure to see it. Be sure to bring a flashlight if you decide to do this.

    Let us know how it goes!

  2. You could always check your bill or go outside and watch the meter spin.

  3. That would be a good idea.  Also track how much your putting into the sewer system.    This is a joke....Ok?  LOL!  I have to track it because the septic tank gets full and I have to have a truck come and pump it out every couple years and that's like $300.  Can't track the water because it comes out of a well.  We have propane instead of gas, now that's up to $280 a month on the plan I have to average it out per month.  Electricity...ugh!...I do not like that bill, it's different every month.

  4. i dont think so, they may track the total energy you used every month, but how can they calculate the energy comsupnton for you TV. computer ? but you can do this by you serlf,. just create a database,

  5. I think that is an excellent thought and one that could probably be put to execution.

    Just this last week, I started unplugging all my small appliances just to see if it would make a difference. I'm inclined to think it won't. The power company will get their money regardless. I think if people's consumption dropped drastically, they would raise their rates.

  6. I have always wanted to track my bills like this.  I recently took a trip in the winter for 3 weeks and my gas bill only reduced $4 for that month.  I was shocked.  You know what PG&E asked me when I questioned that bill???....They asked if I had left my pilot lit on my heater while I was gone.  Outrageous.  I would love to keep an eye where we are exactly because receiving a bill and not knowing what the amount will be makes it hard for people that have to budget; budget.

  7. Yes, good idea.  I always try to conserve, and being able to see how I'm doing at a click of a button would be a great idea.

  8. Yes.. i tried it before and calculated the increase in global temperature as a result of my electricity consumption if everyone in the world consumes as much as i do..

    Very interesting .. try it

    By the way, the monkey picture reminds me of  Quinn's novel "Ishmael"

  9. Great idea.

    There are units you can have installed with read outs for electrical usage, both real time and historical usage.

    You can also just learn how to read your water and electric meter to keep track of it. It is not difficult, and only involves basic math to convert to dollars.

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