
Do you think it would be hard to give everything up to sail around the world?

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This is kinda dumb, but I was watching "Captain Ron" by chance on tv the other day (with Martin Short and Kurt Russell) and Martin Short's character inherits a boat from his dead uncle, then he, his wife, and their son and daughter hire Captain Ron (played by Russell) to help them sail the boat back from the island where his uncle died and they have all these sort of adventures along the way. When they finally make it to Florida to sell the boat, they decide they're having fun as a family and they prefer it to their life back home in Chicago so they sail back out to go on more adventures and to travel the world (or at least the tropical parts of the world). So, getting passed the fact that this is a fictitious movie, would you ever consider packing everything up and traveling the world with your significant other or family? I would have never thought I'd want to do that, but I really think now that I would. What does everyone else think? Thanks. :)




  1. I would do it in a heartbeat!

    I traveled the country when younger with only a backpack and no money.  It was the greatest time of my life.  Total freedom.  No bills, no house, no car, nothing to make payments on, no worries...only adventure after adventure.

  2. I just sailed around the San Juan Islands for a week and I was glad to get back home. No way would I give up my life for a hermits cave on a cork and no contact with other humans for days at a time.

  3. In a heartbeat! Life is short and I'd  want as few regrets as possible.

  4. Dang hard or I would already be gone.

  5. I agree with auntiegrav.  I've managed to live completely without debt and a lot of "stuff" that society says we need, I haven't even owned a car in 15 years and love it.  I like my current job, but as soon as I get tired of it I will be on my boat cruising around, starting in the Philippines.

    Go for it!

  6. there are hundreds of cruising families and couples doing just that down here in the Caribbean ( I'm writing this from my sailboat in St Thomas); you can read their on going adventures in the monthly cruising sailors magazine, you dont need to leave everything can rent out the house.....lots of folks bought a small boat, learned to sail and cruise locally, and then a bigger boat and off they went......and would you rather be 70 years old and saying Dang I should have or 70 years old and saying Boy, that was fun..........

  7. I think it sounds great. The one thing I would worry most about is being with my husband non-stop. I mean, I love him, but being with anyone non-stop would drive anybody crazy. Other than that, I would go in a heartbeat. I guess that I would have to learn how to sail a

  8. i couldn't leave my family and my animals for more that a week without getting really homesick.  so......i have to say no, i couldn't do it.

  9. Once you realize that the current 'normal' world is insane and ridiculous, it's easy to give it up and step outside of 'civilization'.

    First, you have to stop and look around at what people are doing, and most of it involves buying and selling things we don't need, then turning those non-needs into cults which force other people to buy more and create more cults around brands, competitions, and hatred.

    Most couples work two jobs so they can afford to buy two cars to drive to two jobs, usually doing something they hate and they can never get that time back. It's like every day you spend working for someone else, you cut off part of a finger.

    Eventually, you end up going in debt to pay someone to take care of you.

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