
Do you think it would be possible to fuel our cars with tobacco?

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If it's possible, it would rid us of our dependence on foreign oil AND it would make smoking too expensive a habit to maintain - two big problems solved!

Would it be possible? Thanks!




  1. What are you thinking tobacco is bad i would hurt the envornment

  2. That will be the day

  3. Nah Zilla, Being from Kentucky, I am an expert on this subject. We tried for years to run our pickup trucks on tobacco. As you know, we have tons of tobacco in Kentucky. All we managed to do is get a few cool smoke rings blown out of the exhaust pipes.  We have decided, Grandpa's moonshine is the way to go.  That stuff will raise the dead. The only problem is speeding.  When you fuel a pickup truck with moonshine, the slowest it will go is 125 mph.  :)


  4. umm duh no? it doesnt have custin sulphide built inside which powers the engine

  5. let's stick a Cuban cigar in Bush's limo and watch him drive away from the White House fueled on Castro's main export


    Lady M

  6. if it were, Im sure the emissions would be something of a controversy

  7. no but maybe weed. the whoel country woudl be high ahha

  8. no unless youre a genius

  9. anything's possible!

  10. Wouldn't that make allot more pollution? and hazardus to health?

  11. Who KNows!

  12. I hope you're not serious!

  13. Maby, with all the c**p they put in it now, i bet its possible. shure we will have to spend alot of money to upgrade our cars, but we could save alot on fuel if it works!

  14. No, it wouldn't.  This actually creates two problems.  1 is second hand smoke killing our air and 2, it will be more expensive than gas itself.

  15. thats an interesting thought. im going to start researching on it.

  16. I wish

  17. then what would be do about the problem it would cause with your solution? The problem of millions of smokers murdering people to get some nicotine! haa

  18. You'd need alot of it, but I do know you can fuel a car with sunflower oil.

  19. you post this in home theater? the answer is no tobacco has no energy potential

  20. Tobacco would not be combustible enough to make a valid fuel it would require a constant flame not a spark or compression so no it is not possible how about solar power? that's already a valid form of energy and .. smoking is already to expensive LOL

  21. are you serious?

  22. come on guys. if we could evolve from chimpanzees, then who says that isn't possible

  23. I bet if we came up with a way to fuel cars off plant material that's growing now as opposed to plant material that grew hundreds of millions of years ago, hemp would beat out old tobacco any day of the week.

  24. they might make something like that but it is highly unlikely,

    firstly its a drug and will cause a lot of problems,

    if the car can work on tabacoo it will probably work on other drugs like cannabis, which will be used as and excuse for fueling your car, when your really taking it and harming yourself, it will harm yourself more than just taking it , what about the environment, it would be worse than petrol/oil ever was, plus tabacco kills, causes cancer, even if your only smelling it not taking it.

    its a stupid idea to run a car on tabaco i think they will made a much more energy efficient car which doesnt need oil, they have already designed the hydro-electric car, however there are some slight errors with it..

    the future is orange, look forward.

  25. Sure! And while we're at it, let's use crack as diesel, vodka for ship fuel, and hey! Bud Lite instead of solar power would be great!

  26. idk.  it would be aswome if it could though =)

  27. a pack of cigarettes already costs more than a gallon of gas... so it would only make the problem worse...

  28. are you serious u are some dumd *** boy seriously

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