
Do you think it would be right for me to adopt?

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ok I'm only 15 but someday i might want to adopt. i can't have children of my own because of heart problems and a genetic disorder. im perfectly capable of taking care of a child but at the same time, because i have these life expectancy is about half of the average person...i don't want to put a kid through the death of a parent but i still want kids. what do i do?





  1. Honestly, I don't feel that you adopting a child would be right. That's terrible that your life expectancy is so short and equally awful that you can't have kids.

    I would say that you should only adopt if you were married fairly young. That way you would have more time with your child and would be able to count on someone to take care of him/her who was the one who knows them best.

    Once again, I'm so sorry you are in this terrible situation. Best of luck, Kacy!


  2. I am so sorry . If you feel one day you are able and want to adopt then go for it. No one is guaranteed a long life, no one is guaranteed tomorrow , next week, next year etc.  As long as you made sure there was someone to care for your kids incase or when you do die, which every parent should prepare for. You might even get married and adopt with your spouse. The death of a parent is  hard thing to deal with I am sure. That said death is simply a part of the circle of life. We all live and die.  Some have shorter lives some have longer ones but in the end we all die.

    As someone also said there are many jobs you could look into where you would be working with children/kids.

  3. I agree with Amanda...fostering would be wonderful.  Can your heart take the stress of it, though?  Kids in foster care have some pretty serious issues.

    I'm sorry about your illness.  My brother will probably only live until 30 because of a genetic disorder and it's hard.  You will be in my prayers.

  4. I would suggest being a foster parent.  And if you wanted to a lot of those kids can be adopted.  Good Luck!

  5. Honestly, I think the question should be YOU think it's right for you to adopt?  Nobody can predict the future.  I'm healthy and just adopted but I could be dead tomorrow.  I'd think it through till you are old enough and then follow your heart.

  6. It really will depend on how you are able to manage your diease.  If you do not decide to adopt or become a foster parent you could also consider becoming a social worker and working in a group home.  Many group homes have social workers that live on property kind of like a "dorm mom".

  7. Become a foster parent.

    There are literally thousands of kids needing loving homes - it's almost free - and you'd be helping kids that truly need it.

    I wish you all the very best.

  8. adopt a child only if you can afford to do so. If not you will both struggle and nobody wants that for their child (adopted or natural) try to adopt as soon as you can. A older child would not be an bad idea b/c of your health issues.

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