
Do you think it would be smart if i went to King's Dominion on a Sunday?

by  |  earlier

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Well, The local police department went on a sunday and they rode every ride, and a local group went and they said it wasn't packed. since it's near the end of summer, would it be smart if i went this sunday?




  1. well if u do go i would go either on sunday because parents have to work the next day. or during the week i went on satuday and it was packed. i had to wait 1 hour for one ride.

  2. It's not about being smart. Anyday to go is a great day. What you need to do is set a schedule. If you plan to do all the rides and roller coasters, you might want to do the big, thrilling, popular ones first like the Demonator or Anaconda. Then, when everybody is in the park, you can go to the less popular ones, like the Log Flume or the Wild Mouse.

    Hope I helped,

    Matt from CA

  3. Sunday is usually a great day to go, cause that's the day when everyone drives home from the park. So, yes. GO GO GO! (:

  4. It would be smart to do that. I went to Cedar Point once on a Sunday and I managed to get on every roller coaster with very little wait. That park's usually packed. I'm going to Kings Dominion in 2 weeks.

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