
Do you think it would be wise....?

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For yahoo to issue a small dictionary to everyone in the R&S section. Personally, if I keep seeing people saying that atheism is a religion I may pull my hair out. So here goes.....

atheism: Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of god.

What would you like to see in our R&S dictionary?




  1. Listen sister, I'm a real atheist, and atheists decide what's what about life, not some dictionary.

    I'm Atheist!

  2. Evolution is a good one.

    There is a lot of misconception about it out there.

    People confuse it with adaptation, a lot. They think that it may explain the origin of life, and they think that finches can tell us how we developed from unicellular creatures....

  3. i am wondering if yahoo answers is ready to consider giving subsections under 'religion and spirituality' such as

    atheism & agnosticism





    jehovah's witnesses




    to list a few in alphabetical order - there may be a few more i have missed out - no offence intended

  4. Christian- 1) It's us , not them.2) (fill in the denomiation) are the real christians., the  rest are fakes.  

  5. I'd like to see a full breakdown of grammar and punctuation use, too.  Ones like;

    Our, are.

    Their, there, they're.

    Your, you're.

    Its, it's.

    Too, two, to.

      All the ones that really annoy me.

  6. The problem is that if you believe in one of the organized standard religions, you are likely to believe anything. It's hard for some people to envision a world not based on belief in something or other. It's like the idea of denying the existence of something is impossible for them. They think you need concepts to survive.

  7. Wicca: a paganistic religion that has no association the the Christian entity of Satan

  8. Then you'll be bald in a day here on R/S.

  9. "Does God exist?"

    Exist: intr.v., -ist·ed, -ist·ing, -ists.

       1. To have actual being; be real.

       2. To have life; live: one of the worst actors that ever existed.

       3. To live at a minimal level; subsist: barely enough income on which to exist.

       4. To continue to be; persist: old customs that still exist in rural areas.

       5. To be present under certain circumstances or in a specified place; occur: “Wealth and poverty exist in every demographic category” (Thomas G. Exter).

    [Latin existere, exsistere, to come forth, be manifest : ex-, ex- + sistere, to stand.]

  10. The dictionary is constantly changing and as a former Atheist I realize it is a form of religion so I capitalize Atheist`

  11. Do you the scrabble dictionary, where they kind of make up there own words and spell them really weird ?

  12. No.

    There are dictionaries a-plenty already on the internet.  The problems is that these little what-evers aren't smart enough to know how to find anything on the net except for p**n.

  13. "atheism: Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of god."

    I agree

    However, my religion does not have any God

    It is an atheistic religion.

  14. This person asked about:


    Atheism *now resolved*

  15. Troll- Annoying profile made to make a point or say stupid things; sometimes funny. (see, WSIDR)

    Yammy- A censoring animal that runs Y!A secretly who is very concerned with grammar. (see, Oops! It looks like you have 3 misspelling(s). (sometimes called yamster)

    fundie- An annoying fundamentalists who enjoys spouting opinions and "facts" because they take the Bible literally.

    copy/paste freak- A person who has a FAQ file stored on their computers so they don't have to think. (see, Full Armor of God, and/or Chris)

    Fireball- An annoying Christian; famous for her phrase, "idk, this is relig here"

    Babby- A delicious treat enjoyed by all.

    Babby-Q- A fun event for all babby lovers.

    Atheati- They don't exist, don't worry about it.

    *drink*ing game- A game that involves repetitive questions and a full bottle of tequila.

  16. Proper grammar

    Proper spelling

  17. Satanism: WE DON'T WORSHIP YOUR DEVIL!  

  18. "R&S Syndrome"- a medical condition characterized by a stiff butt, eye strain, tired fingers, and (usually) a headache. It is caused by spending too much time on R&S. The cure is extreme: one must turn off the computer, get up, and walk away.

  19. evolution: the process of organisms changing over many generations in response to environmental change.

    It is not the idea that a monkey may suddenly give birth to a human!

  20. I believe that atheists deny the existence of God.  I think they know He exists but they choose to ignore Him in the hope that they are wrong.

  21. Yahoo already yells at you for misspellings when - I'M NOT FINISHED WITH THE WORD - keeps saying Oops! - NO I DIDN'T LEAVE CAPS ON! - anyways, where was I?  A dictionary is futile.

  22. they're, their, there, Jihad

    Oh, and Deism, Theism, poly&monotheism

    the Greek word for pure

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